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Everything posted by adult.

  1. adult.


    The individual determines his own moral standards. This is not to say, however, that he does not base his standards on someone or something else, or even that he lives up to these standards.
  2. Why all the fuss over a burial? It's a waste of money and space.
  3. Now that's some NASCAR talk, right there.
  4. Certainly you mean drinking straight scotch instead of diluting it with water.
  5. Why stop at medicines? Is our lifespan the only thing that concerns the will of God? If using my free will and something that resulted from a willful creation of an omniscient god to expand my life is tampering with the "will of God," then is any other action not also tampering with God's will? Certainly, God would have created me with a job if he wanted me to have one. Certainly, God would have made me clothed if he wanted it to be so. So I guess I shouldn't try to get a job, or wear clothes, because doing so is tampering with the will of God. Right?
  6. Why are we putting so much emphasis on pain and pleasure? Neither has any effect on whether or not an action is suicide. If a man intentionally ends his own life, it is suicide, regardless of whether he was in a state of despair or a state of euphoria. So how about this: if one is given a choice between dying in two weeks or dying in some arbitrary amount of time longer than two weeks, with the promise that just as much pain and pleasure will be experienced in the two weeks as would be experienced in the latter, would it not be suicide to decide to die in two weeks? Perhaps choosing
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLwPXMedIaI
  8. How about an impractical question? The best way to test any philosophical argument is to ask impractical questions. Let's say that Zeus, or Jesus, or even Ahura Mazda himself descended from the heavens and presented you a choice. You could either have eternal life or die in two weeks. If you choose immortality, you will spend it in excruciating pain, with every moment being worse than the last. If you choose to die in two weeks, however, those two weeks will be the best of your life. If one chooses the two weeks, they are obviously making a choice to die, which fulfills your defini
  9. Whether or not one enjoys the time they earn through treatment has nothing to do with whether or not refusing treatment is suicide.
  10. So you would say it isn't suicide to choose to forgo treatment that could prevent your death? Deciding not to try to live longer is equivalent to deciding to die earlier, is it not?
  11. Yes, it's a person's right to decide whether or not the undergo treatment; yes, deciding to forgo treatment is suicide.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA5MtAmT24g
  13. Well, if one wants to blog objectively, he would need to watch out for mistakes like this. When America was discovered, there were no people here. Yes, there were natives here when Europeans arrived, but the Europeans did not discover America. American Remnant's wording indicates not only a Euro-centric perspective of history, but the statement also subtly hints that Native Americans simply didn't matter until "America was discovered"/Europeans arrived. I'm not saying that this was his intention, just that he needs to be careful with his word choice to avoid this.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXo_1ba34aE
  15. It's perfectly fine to call a black man black. Some (very few) fall into the category of African-American, but most are simply black Americans. And of course, white men are white; not European-Americans.
  16. We've already cleared millions of acres of forests to be paved over and have cities erected; I'm not sure my cigarette butts can do much more damage than that.
  17. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but is it not well within one's rights to be free from fear of self-incrimination?
  18. I was going to joke about how they might learn ... another pass-time, but your last sentence seems to have made the joke for me.
  19. Banded. Not trying to be a dick this time, I actually stumbled over this sentence.
  20. The iPad is the biggest piece of bullcheeze to be released in a while. link
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