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Everything posted by adult.

  1. One can be aware without being emotionally overcome.
  2. And that's all fine, as long as they give all other religious groups equal treatment.
  3. As I see it, the First Amendment lays the foundation for separation. Combined with the Treaty of Tripoli and the Civil Rights Act, I think all the necessary parts are there. But this is just my belief. However, even if it's the case that I'm wrong, I believe that separation of church and state is still a damn good idea.
  4. Even if that's the case, it's still a damn good idea.
  5. I have no issue with that; I take issue with the "God's too busy" bit. That, and the fact that some applaud violence justified by such an inane claim.
  6. If Pubby is God, are the mods marines?
  7. An omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being was too busy?
  8. http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&ctx=mail&answer=50200
  9. There's probably some "inappropriate" language here.
  10. You didn't hear? When the police came for him, he was in bed with his boyfriend.
  11. They just belong in different contexts to me. For example, my roommate is a faggot for saying that Lady Gaga is good. A guy who likes taking it up the butt, on the other hand, is just a gay guy.
  12. Isn't "ghey" the spelling that was made up in attempt to avoid hurting people's feelings? I use "gay" in this sense all the time, as well as "faggot." However, using these words in order to hurt another is too vapidly mean for my tastes.
  13. As I think her point is valid, I'd hope she wouldn't mind.
  14. Do you hear a lot of Jews throwing around the word "kike?" I don't. However, use of the word "uiqqer" by black Americans isn't hard to come by.
  15. I think I'll vote for whoever you're pushing out of spite.
  16. That isn't necessarily solicitation. To solicite is to request that one do something. So if someone places a flyer on your mailbox that serves only to make you aware of a business's services, this is not technically solicitation.
  17. But federal law only prohibits placing anything inside a mailbox.
  18. If you got something, and have not yet gotten it... It is absolutely impossible for anyone to fall within this category.
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