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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I am so glad you found the help that you needed. Isn't life just soooo much better?
  2. I am sure you know what you are doing with the raw diet but be careful cause if she is already weak a bacterial infection from the raw meat could really do more harm than good. Good luck!
  3. Good luck with your new terrorist. Hope she gets well and strong for you quick.
  4. Well it's all about bio identicals. That's the thyroid medicine i have been on for the past seven years. My medicine is amino acid based and prepared by a compound pharmacy in Canton. The dr. I went to is Dr. Bryd in Roswell. She got it and listened to me and prescribed the medicine for me. Back when I started this, bio identicals were thought of as quack medicine but after reading about it, and based on my experience with drs.,I wanted to try it and the only place I could find it was at anti aging clinics Dr. Bryd is a MD but the bulk of her practice is anti aging and not medical
  5. Ugh is just about right. The general population of drs don't know jack about this stuff. Even the pros fall into " well this worked for a so it should work for b". You have to get educated about your condition and get proactive about your healthcare. I hate that that is the deal, but really that is the deal. You have to look out for yourself.
  6. I had to find a Doctor who understood that not every single woman who walks the face of the earth falls into this predetermined chart of levels. Some need more, some need less. When I say need I mean to feel normal. Next step was finding a compound pharmacy (my dr did help me with this) that did a natural dosage and was not based on drugs but rather natural ingredients like amino acids. No kidding, it took me like 3 years to get this stuff squared away.
  7. I know. When I went through an overactive thyroid and got introduced to the real deal about doctors I said to myself. No! You are not going to feed me drugs that don't help me but just make me feel even worse. I got proactive and thank heavens found a all natural solution to my problem. Same old story that goes.....If I knew then what I know now........ I just feel bad for all the women that are just lost and looking for help, help that WORKS!
  8. I was so glad to see this post. Now the next book should be.....My doctor is killing my life..what can I do? I saw a report the other day that said 43 per cent of middle aged women are on anti depressants...THAT scares the heck out of me. Drugs are a good thing, if you need them, for the short term, but long term....not so much. How many of your friends and family are on these drugs? For a long time? JMHO.
  9. Congrats to both you and your wife. Wish only the best for you. Maybe travel and fun in the sun (if that's your thing) is in order. Good luck!
  10. Your very welcome. I was glad to help but there is no way on God's green earth I can help you with the stuff that involves "those" stairs. The new space is awesome and I wish you the best of luck with it!
  11. I believe what you are standing behind is the Fair Tax. Lots of info. for and against this act but it is not the reality we are living in now.
  12. Anyone can come into this thread and read for themselves what I actually said so what you have to say just doesn't matter. AMF.
  13. It was a private school education buffoon and it was in NY where they actually care about education. And if you don't agree that's fine because I don't give a rat's furry behind what you think. You are clearly being a tool and looking for a fight. And I am not your sweetheart or your sweetie now Scat! Shoo! Begone, before the flying monkeys get you!
  14. Well, I am assuming that at one point and time you too enjoyed the interest tax write off as well. I/We don't benefit from George Soros' Gulfstream IV jet one bit. Many, many more people are affected by the interest write off vs. one persons purchase of a jet. The borrower gets the credit for money that he has already paid and to me that sounds more like a wash than a loophole. Are you suggesting that the interest should not be a write off? Really? Take a write off away that encourages the American Dream? Oh, thats right, you want ALL tax credits to go away right? Well, all I can te
  15. AND?? Like I said if you want to pick a fight with someone just for the giggles, go find someone else.
  16. Never said it was the only reason but it sure does help. Interest is NEVER credited back? No sheeze sherlock. Gee, I thought they lent you the money for free. Look if you want to pick a fight with someone go pick someone else OK.
  17. So, am I to take it that you do not agree? Just curious.
  18. No, I do not think of the credit received on mortgage interest as a loophole. I think of it as a credit back for interest that you have already paid. All that interest paid which does not translate back into your principal. And if this credit was taken away forget the real estate market tanking that we have seen, the market would die a very slow painful death.
  19. Maybe the parents did plan. Maybe the plan backfired. Maybe they had grants that dried up, IDK and neither do you. I find it hard to believe that these young people signed on the dotted line thinking that they would be bailed out. Maybe they signed on the dotted line because they thought that they could get a well paying job once they got their degree so they continued to rack up this debt and then, guess what? There were no jobs and the ones they could get were not sufficent to pay off this crushing debt. Should the taxpayers pay for their mistake? No, I don't believe they should. The
  20. Nope, I dont see it that way at all. What I see are young people that are $90,000.00 in debt because of a college education. Is it the lenders? Is it the students? Is it the schools? Why should it cost that much to get a good college education? They have no place but down at this point. Even if they get a really good, well paying job, who in the world would be able to come through the other side with that kind of debt?
  21. The list of demands, as far as I have seen as just stupid and not well thought out at all. But the point of their original voice? Yes they are young, yes they are scattered, yes many of them are silly to the point of being dismissed by the general public. BUT they have put a voice to the fustration of many people. Corporate greed? Congressional greed? At least a tiny light has been cast in that direction. I think that is a good thing. Congress is so wrapped up in party that they are useless for the average Joe. I believe their last approval rating was at 13 per cent.
  22. I will follow your lead in my response as far as format. First of all I think you are one of the most valuable posters on this site and I never meant to attack or misunderstand your thoughts. Second, not for nothing but it would take me three days to break down your response in the link. I understand your frustrations with no good, sorry, pos freeloaders. I am frustrated as well but we cannot group those people with people who honestly are on the outs. Sometimes, many, many, many people need help. It hard times for many folks and the abusers should be weeded out and benefit
  23. I hate to tell you this, really I do, but I think we are on the same page. I do not believe that anyone wants to see freeloaders who take advantage of the system. My question is instead of taking a position of truck the poor, why not take the position of reform?
  24. I sooooo did not mean it like that. Sorry you missed an attempt to take a stab at answering a sincere question.
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