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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Hold on now, YOU were the one that got me started with all this mess.
  2. I get being a workaholic, but she is such a diva about it. I think she wants to be a superstar and people are disposable. She has had two assistants leave. Think she's high strung?
  3. What is up with Bethenny lately? Why is she crying all the time? I heard she had a miscarriage earlier this year so I wonder if that is why there is all this hysteria. IDK. I feel sorry for her husband cause she sounds like a constant "no win."
  4. You posted about this last year and last year is when I suggested trying the fan. Putting those drugs and chemicals in/on you can't be good so try the &$)@()$ fan will ya?
  5. Yes, it works like a charm. Like I said, I've not had a case of chiggers since using it. Also, when I water my garden at dusk I used to get welts from the bites....no more!
  6. I use a product called quick strike and kill hundreds of flies a day. I used to use the plastic dome things put after a while, because you use water, you get maggots and the smell that comes out of that thing is really bad. The attractant that you use with the quick strike stinks for a few days but goes away. To keep the bugs off of me, I use that OFF fan thing, I just clip it on my belt loop. I hated putting that spray repellent on me but have been chigger free for the last two years using that fan. I hate flies. The quick strike works real well. You can get it at tractor su
  7. Huh? Didn't you post that you have family being taken care of by a daycare in villa rica? That's how I took it anyway.
  8. Well then, I guess you should be aware of what is going on in their daycare. Just maybe you won't be so effective after they have closed and you are talking to a machine.......... or p.com.
  9. Because its the Internet. Because this kind of thing (at close to nine, after hours) can hurt a bunch of day cares in Villa Rica. Because someone who is looking for daycare via the Internet would come across this thread and question. You are correct, I have no children or grandchildren involved. Is your family involved in a daycare in Villa Rica?
  10. Yes. Don't really care either. First post was at 8:56, or something close to it. So, of course it was past hours. So, from there it went to people disagreeing with what I posted to the Grandmother getting on the board. Just rubbed me wrong. But of course I made myself open to all the parental scorn that followed. It's all good.
  11. Is your child bruised or acting like they are not OK? If not, I can't see why you would put this on the open board. Rather than contribute to the drama ill just say have a good night.
  12. Never mind, I see where you posted she has sight problems. Sorry about that! Is she light hearted? Does she like to have fun?
  13. Why can't she drive? She's only 58. Does she have health issues?
  14. Good for you. It's always so much better when you get some help from Mother Nature isn't it?
  15. There are lots of different kinds. I want to say yours look like the lacy variety. Which, to me anyway, are the prettiest.
  16. Wait, wasn't that Baby Doe's? Wasn't it off 285 in the Dunwoody area? Maybe there was a Baby Janes and a Baby Doe's, both with a mining theme?
  17. Guess you are on beer 5 right about now?
  18. Fair enough and believe me there are also some p.com posters who spin such nonsense that by the time you do some research to confirm what they have posted......you have a bucket of mud and a bunch of wasted time. To be honest, I've seen this come from right leaners much more than left leaners. Deteriorate any further? We are in much better shape than we were when the prior president left office. Of course, no one wants to admit it but we were in a mess and while it's not all rainbows and butterflies, at least we see some improvement.
  19. Why are you under the impression that anyone cares how you vote? Perhaps people want to give another side of the gloom and doom because they care about their country not because they are rooting for the President.
  20. K, I'm confused. Do you need your well or your water tested?
  21. Yes, I rember when people were such superstars of p.com via cutting to the bone and playing on the open board with personal issues. I think I'll take the kinder p.com cause while there was some fun there was also stuff that really affected people in real life. But there are lots more people much better informed on this than me.
  22. Garner plumbing, I'm sorry I don't have a number for them anymore. I believe they are out of Carrollton. Also, I bet if you call GLT plumbing (770) 445-4666 if they can't help you, they can put you touch with someone who can. We live on a well too and everything is good but when it goes bad, it seems like it goes really bad. In other words, $$$$$$$ Best of luck.
  23. Why we're neighbors Gonefromhere! :rofl:
  24. You need 10 cake pans to make this cake! Who the heck has 10 cake pans?
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