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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Choose your battles and I don't think this would be a good choice for a battle. JMTC My hubby getting a phone case on my birthday would not bother me like it seems to have bothered you. What would bother me would me that my husband got me a phone case for my birthday!
  2. Yah! I know how difficult it is to find folks that do a good job. A big relief isn't it?
  3. How funny! Off to terrorize the mailman!
  4. There seems to be many, many well informed people who are very concerned with this bill and how it affects our privacy. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/04/voices-against-cispa
  5. Things being what they are.....I guess they don't embalm!
  6. Congrats DGITW and the best of luck to ya. Can't wait for the posts from the delivery room!
  7. Obama loathes the Military? Why do you say that?
  8. I think you are misunderstanding. I don't think these two neighbors should have set foot on the property in the first place. If they saw something that concerned them then I think they should have called the police and let them handle it.
  9. Huh? I believe the neighbors should have let the police handle it.
  10. Just to complicate things, the wife is white.
  11. I have been making it a point to go to your store just about every week for meat and such. I am extremely picky about my meat and I just wanted to let you know your steaks and pork is good. Really, really good! Support local business folks. The meat I got was fairly priced and very, very good! Really. The steaks I got were as good, if not better, than the steaks I got at Fresh Market at a MUCH fairer price.
  12. My garden is too small to think about a project like that. But I did get a soaker hose.
  13. I get what you are saying but at the same time, all they would have to do is call the cops and let them handle it. This is not the wild, wild west. If you have a concern, call the police and let them do their job.
  14. Ahhhh Laurie, just think of the possibilities! My prior post was a joke, you do know that right?
  15. Nah....if you're gonna do it.......do an work out tape. Great idea huh?
  16. Well put Tabby! I could not agree more. But, but, these people are soooo deep. Aren't they?
  17. That's what I read too. My beautiful daisies look like they are trying to curl up from the wind.
  18. It would be beautiful out. But as it is, I have a fire going and I'm in a sweat shirt and I had to bundle up to take the tractor down to the barn. As this rate, I'll never get a tan.
  19. I have a girlfriend who has lost the connection with corporate American for approx. 7 years. She was in her own business and has decided that people are nuts so she is just doing it on the side now....ANYWAY...she pulled up her socks and after much grinding of teeth she is being interviewed by a fortune 500 company. She is 50 years old and has a smile on her face. She is very much a pull yourself up and dust yourself kind of gal. Long story short, you have got to get the heck out of Paulding if you want opportunity. Just an FYI....ain't nothing going on round here.
  20. Do ya see what you did KRM? You are a bad, badddddd girl!
  21. While I would love to get into a playful exchange about this I hesitate because I know some folks take this stuff seriously so I'll refrain.
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