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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Because they are sorry. And there are lots and lots of them. They could care less about the right thing to do cause that's how they were raised and that's all they know.
  2. Can he profit from that? I thought there was a law in place that they can't. Anyone know?
  3. No joke. Swing? Hell, i bet shes plotting his demise in prison.
  4. Well for the love of Pete.....bring it on!
  5. As you know Laurie, I have a very good friend who contacted Lyme and fought tooth and nail to get treatment, and she lives in upstate New York! Her brain looks like the brain of an 80 year old. She is on unbelieveable amounts of antibiotic for weeks and weeks at a time. Unbelievable amounts. She has a very, very stressful job which only hinders her recovery. I wonder how she keeps going. Her type A personality won't let her lie down and she lives scared. The length of time it took to get treatment is tragic. She finally found a Doctor who has Lyme too. The treatment plan look
  6. Did he tell you why no one hears from him anymore?
  7. I just love seeing moms so completely, totally, absolutely in love with their children. We won't discuss them becoming teenagers. To the OP, what a cool thread.....best of luck to you!
  8. I watched it last night and I thought it was pretty good. I've always liked Ashley. Boy, is she in shape or what?
  9. I don't know, there are times that Michael has his moments. However, you don't hear a whole lot about him in real deal print. I think he may be a freak.....and hiding. Not 100% why I think that way.
  10. Cancer is taking a lot of our beautiful, playful, fabulous Goldens. When they are incredible, they are freaking incredible. Truly. Thanks for the info.
  11. I can't ever keep the names with the faces or the voices. That you can keep up with 9 of them is pretty impressive. You take notes or what?
  12. I agree. He would have to have special material.
  13. Ya know.... The guy has four, FOUR outstanding warrants against him and he thinks they won't find out? Really? He had talent but what a dumbass! Folks like that just fry my bacon.
  14. Since your post is based purely on a personal basis, who is stirring what again?
  15. Dragos is on the list. Chargrilled oysters are OMG! Thanks.
  16. The part that made this woman think this was a good idea.
  17. It does not appear that Obama had anything to do with this. He will get blamed for it but it looks like it was the work of an over zealous woman who heads up the local Democratic party. What a STUPID thing to do.
  18. You have lots of company doll.
  19. The guys guys in NO may be a bit much but NOLA is a done deal. Thanks Mark!
  20. Yup, we'll be doing the quarter. We have a birthday toast to make!
  21. Thanks for the heads up. Mahoneys was on our list. In fact, I sent the link to my buddy and said I was surprised at the prices.
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