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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I asked about this in another thread and it just went thud. What do you think would happen to the real estate market if we could not write off the interest on our mortgage? What do you think would happen on a commercial level?
  2. One of the questions I have about Fair Tax concerns your write off of the interest. What would our real estate market look like if people could not write off the interest?
  3. I feel for ya. I was in AT&T hell a while back....right up there with Apple hell. I'll tell you this much, the communication between AT&T line service and AT&T customer service is sometimes, um, lacking. Maybe you can call them tomorrow and if you get told that they don't see a problem, tell them what you have found out. When you make the call be in a comfortable chair with something to drink......chances are, it will be a while. Good luck!
  4. I can't either. Blasphemy I tell you!
  5. No Hun, I'm talking about men who have about ten hairs in their ponytail.....like a rat tail.......not so hot.
  6. DUDE! Willy Nelson will NEVER, EVER, EVER be a has been. I double dog dare you to say such a thing in Austin, Texas.
  7. No way! After fifty, it's a mind set. Althrough, I have to admit, the 10 hair ponytails look a bit weird.
  8. None of that stuff means that much to me. In the event I was having a bad day and couldn't use any of those things than I guess I would just stay at the house. Why do you ask anyway?
  9. I think it's just pockets of people who either don't care to find out the truth, or are just people in a very closed, narrow minded community and because they rarely go outside of their community, they don't hear anything different cause, ya know, everyone is like minded.
  10. Your poor, defenseless dog. He may just run away tonight.
  11. Barefoot has an awesome pepper and cheddar corn bread. I don't think any purists will like it cause it's sweet but I love it.
  12. Totopas = Mexican. Very good too. I went with a friend and no issue with service.
  13. We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. Lord knows I had the seasons in the sun. My aim, right now, is to have a whole lot more seasons in the sun. Your life is what you make it. And I plan to make it fun.
  14. That was hysterical! THE Ohio Buckeyes take their football very seriously don't they?
  15. A house in my area already has their Christmas lights up. No, they are not from last year (see, I'm paying attention on the traditions.) Nice lights, but really? I'm sure they have good reason.
  16. My nieces and nephew and I were going to go this Christmas. They were going to rent a cabin and I was going to rent an RV site at Fort Wilderness and we can't go cause they are sold out! We started this plan about 2 months ago. So, we booked for 2013. To me, it's worth the extra cost to stay in one of their resorts. Disney does it like only Disney can.
  17. Low, first off, have a nice, relaxing time. Second, just to let you know, I've had really good results from following the lead from fellow p.commers. The NO thread I started a few months ago, really worked out great. Have a great time. I love going to different coast towns.
  18. When you are ready to get a cat....get a Manx. First off, they are personality plus....more like a dog than a cat and second, they are ninja hunters. They love to hunt. I mean, they love to hunt. Good luck with your rat problem.
  19. No. These folks rarely, if ever, put their name or their money on the line. See, HE doesn't owe the banks, his COMPANY owe the banks. The really rich can play it that way....and just walk.
  20. Food was awesome, people were awesome, scenery was incredible and the ocean was unbelievably blue, like unreal blue. Various shades of baby blue. Like out of a magazine. If I knew how to post a picture on this stupid Mac product it would blow your mind, so to speak. I bet when you have 20 more years under your belt, you'll go too.
  21. Don't hate me, be happy for me cause trust me, it hasn't always been like this.
  22. We went to Aspens. Tuna poke (crazy good) and prime rib. They have really stepped up their game lately. They were getting pretty middle of the road but lately it's been really, really good.
  23. Sorry, I'm not buying it....I'll wait to see what else comes out. Your site is kinda weak. http://times247.com/about-times247
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