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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I'm sorry Laurie. Anyone I know that is around my age is going through a struggle with decisions with their parents. My suggestion is to drive to see him. The drive there isn't a walk in the park, but maybe you can do a road trip with some girlfriends. Lord knows you have enough of those. Memphis has a lot to offer. You can see and take care of your dad and I'm more than sure you can do that with some buddies. Buddies always make it better. Call on your supports Hun, I'm sure they will be there for you.
  2. Wow! You look great Tabby! That sounds like just halarious fun.
  3. No matter what the politics are. We are a people of when the going gets tough, the tough get going. No matter what.
  4. I came home one evening and there was an owl on one of the fence posts. This was my impression, large, low flying and silent. It was really cool seeing that guy!
  5. Hubby was on the list for meat of the month and some of the choices were from Omaha Beef. For what they charge, they are a total rip off. Nobody seems to pay for that stuff...it's an easy corporate gift, and in that context, I guess it's OK. I'm with you about Metro. Also, Kroger....I got a porterhouse from them and it was butter! Butter, I tell you!
  6. Alton Brown has a taco seasoning...it rocks! You can find it at Food Network.com
  7. Don't you just hate that? It happens to everybody from time to time.......want some TACOS? That sounds yummy too!
  8. Tacos with Mexican rice and all the fixings. You have no idea how super good homemade tacos can be! Yummy! I love this dinner! :yahoo:
  9. I'm sorry Subby, hope everything goes well. I'm sure you are worried.
  10. Not all thieves are stupid. This gives us something to think about with all our new electronic technology. GPS A couple of weeks ago a friend told me that someone she knew had their car broken into while they were at a football game. Their car was parked on the green which was adjacent to the football stadium and specially allotted to football fans. Things stolen from the car included a garage door remote control, some money and a GPS which had been prominently mounted on the dashboard. When the victims got home, they found that their house had been ransacked and just about everyt
  11. So, Democrates want more taxes, want control of poor people and want someone to always help them. Is that it in a nutshell?
  12. Yes, people need a helping hand every once in a while. Truly Laurie, you go above and beyond for a cause close to your heart. I really don't think that people realize just how much effort you put into these "play it forward" charities. Again, I'm not paying lip service but people should know what a gem to this community you really are. You work like a dog for these folks. Really Laurie, you're a gem.
  13. Laurie, I hope you know I would be there if I could....but I won't be in the area. I just wanted to point out how much you work towards trying to achive the goals for these charities. Really, you are working really, really hard for folks in this community. I am not paying lip service, I'm telling it like it is. I hope it is a super, duper, unbelieveable turnout and thank you for all you do Doll.
  14. Let me tell you, I've been there too. I've been walking up the stairs to my attic apartment wondering if my lights were on or if, because I didnt have the money to pay, I would be in the dark. I've been on my own since I'm seventeen years old....so trust me, I've been there. Many, many times. I got out of that because I worked my butt off AND I got lucky and married a man who has the same work ethic as me. Please don't EVER put me in the lucky sperm club cause that is NOT the way it was.
  15. But right now, anyone and everyone has to pay tax on items purchased. So what's your point? In droves? No. The sorriest wont care .......someone else will take care of it....dont ya know? BTW, an informed voter, a truly informed voter, will see through the rhetoric AS WELL as the lies and half truths. You didn't have to say squat about them being any color.....people can read between the lines.
  16. I'm sorry...wish I could help but I have no clue. You've done a search on the net right? Just be careful with that. Best of luck. You would think his doctor could help with the pain. No?
  17. Well, if they buy goods they will have to pay tax right? In droves? You really think the sorry losers among us even think that much? Or do you think that because they are black they will vote for a black?
  18. So you think the poor will vote? I don't. No at all. I think you are talking about the no gooders and they don't even have their act together enough to do their laundry. But yet, they are going to make the effort to vote? That just doesn't make sense to me.
  19. So, you think that the left wants controls of these poor people? For their votes? It is understood that they are a drain on our society and yet you think that the left wants them for their votes? What happens in a non election year?
  20. K...so I guess the right thinks that the left wants control over poor people and more taxes huh? Um...no. People start thinking for yourselfs...does that concept really make sense to you? Really?
  21. Forget about the individual, think of commercial development. Do you really think this program would work to encourage commercial development?
  22. The current system is broke and I agree there needs to be reform. BUT if you really think that the mortgage interest deduction is a minimal consideration then I think you may be wrong. My husband and I were being ATE up with taxes (we were both working at the time) and during a visit with our accountant, I said we need to get up under a fairly large mortgage, he said by the time we did that, they would not allow the deduction but, at the time, THAT was our only option. Forget about us small fry residential homeowners, what would this do to a commercial venture?
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