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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Paraded through the streets? No. And you really look bad when you post a blanant lie. Really? I read that some locals brought him to the hospital. I also saw some locals with signs that said America, we are sorry, it is not us, it's the extremists. Those weren't the exact words but that was the effect. Get a grip and at least post about the truth about a very sad event.
  2. We went to Greece this summer and let me tell you, those gyro's and gyro's from anywhere (including NY) here have NOTHING to do with each other. I guess it's the frozen meat stuff. They could do it if they wanted to. I would pay higher prices for quality food.
  3. Hopefully I will miss it after a few weeks too.
  4. OK Postman, you hit my weakness.....the roots of rock and roll! :wub: The Rolling Stones would agree. TP, I bet your topic description scared people off.
  5. Thanks guys, I really appreciate all the suggestions. Thanks for taking the time. I'm excited!
  6. After reading the report, I thought along the same lines.
  7. Yo, bite me dear. I used to hear that on a weekly basis. They seem to only speak to me once.
  8. And who says I want to lose it? You got a problem with that?
  9. This is my favorite: We don't care how you do it up North. Well butter my biscuits? That's freaking halarious! I am so stealing this one.
  10. Oops! Thanks for responding but for some reason I thought you had a rv and so you stayed at a rv park. Sorry about that but thanks again.
  11. Which one? If you don't mind posting.
  12. Once the dogs get settled in, I'm going to go to the lighthouse and the old town. I'm getting excited! Thanks for the suggestions.....keep them coming.
  13. OK fellow P.commers, what's to do in St. Augustine? I'll rely on trip advisor for restruants and since I have the trailor I won't need a hotel but I was wondering what you folks thought about things to do in the area. I plan on doing a lot of beach walking with my dogs cause they let them on the beach at the place I'm staying but other than that, anything neat going on there? As always, thanks for any help.
  14. That's what I read. Here you go: http://abcnews.go.com/politics/t/blogEntry?id=17212417
  15. No the reason Obama did not agree to met with the Israeli Prime Minister is because they are not in New York at the same time. They spent an hour on the phone today is what I read. Romney has proven himself to be a liar and now he has shown himself to be a real dumbass to handle this situation like he has. He should have extended his sympathies and left it alone.
  16. So, are you saying the country supported this action?
  17. Funny thing, except for one guy.....the people involved with the movie can't be traced. No public records. I do believe I smell a set up.
  18. Done. I'm going to the beach here shortly so I'll be glad for a good book.
  19. No, because the apology was made before any aggression. I'll leave you alone cause I'm sure you have bigger fish to fry. It was not issued after the attacks. Get back to me when you have read the entire thread.
  20. I'm going to look into this one. Thanks.
  21. Glad, out of all that has happened that's what you choose to post about. :wacko:
  22. Gone Girl, I fell in love with the writer after reading this book. It gets you in the opening chapter and holds on to you till the end. I loved this book!
  23. You know what's amazing to me? None of you are saying that Romney was wrong and his behavior was inexcusable. You're too busy attacking Obama. Not one of you are standing up to say how wrong he was. Not one. By your lack of comment in this regard you are only confirming that party comes before country to you......that's a hell of a note.
  24. When I went with a couple of friends, they said they were moving to a suite in the front of the strip shopping center. I was surprised they never posted anything about it.
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