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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I'm sorry Kittycat, I'm sorry that happened to your Dad, those timber trucks scare the fire out of me. Not only do they look unsafe, they look old and pretty much in total disrepair.
  2. This is what bothers me about Lance Armstrong, I just think it was the height of arrogance to be investigated for years and yet just keep doing the drugs, or procedures, or whatever.
  3. Well, this "citizen" is out. I can't do rabid anymore, it never comes out well. Perhaps you want a balance sheet at the end of every 30 days just so you can approve it? If that is the case, run for office.
  4. Noahsdad, as to your last paragraph and your reference that people were under the impression that a private company would be handling the details. If that had happened, what do you think the price of a ticket would have been? I doubt it would have been 15.00. Clearly, you have a bone to pick about the airport. Laurie, I really don't know why you waste your time with someone who is pissed off about the fact that his kid can't jump on a bus for a game. The decision to put his kid in the game was his. And I don't see why he feels his kid should be put on a bus on the counties nickel
  5. I'm sorry for your loss, I've been there too. I can't read rainbow bridge in its entirety cause I go right to the real ugly cry two sentences into it. Time passing helps. Also, I'm sure your Girl loved you and that, in itself, is special. So many dogs don't get that love and, to me anyway, a person that can give that love to an animal is special. It shows heart and soul.
  6. ^^^^yes. Way too much car for a young person. Way, way, way too much car. I'm sure the parents thought he would be responsible with it. Just horrible for all involved. I saw the car, on TV, after the crash. WOW!
  7. I did and thank you for the good wishes! :wub: You're one of my favorites, you are always so kind.
  8. No more, I'll make it up to them. No more, I'll do better next time. No more, I'm sorry I did that. No more of any of it. Thanks Dana, cause I was just about ready to open up a can of whoop ass on one of my sisters. I kid, I kid.
  9. If you have a lot then do them in the oven 325, 7 -10 minuets. NO oil. If you have a smaller amount, put them in a dry skillet on the stove top over medium-low heat. That's what I've done anyway. In any event, keep your eye on your nuts.
  10. I can see how you would say its fru fru but it's a lovely place and that lobster is really, really good. But hey, I'm all into martinis and a 10 pound lobster at the Palm too!
  11. Papi, Papi, Papi.....it's not about the expense because the only time you eat at a place like this is when corporate America is picking up the bill. It really is good. Tell you what, tell me where you can get a shelled, warm, yummy lobster claw set down in a celeriac purée and served in a martini glass here locally and I will be their first customer.
  12. Ahhhh...thanks you'se guys! :wub: Chargrilled oysters and cocktails at C & S. yummy! Like "slap your mamma good". I said that the right way, right?
  13. Thanks Hun! Phew! I thought it was a call out thread!
  14. If you see this, make sure you have the lobster cocktail app. Aria is my favorite!
  15. I agree except I don't think Melissa was a stripper. Reason is, she appeared to hold her father in a heros light and he would never approve. I do think she is a fame whore. After this season, bravo will look bad if Teresa stays cause its pretty clear that the show is the reason her family has been shattered. She seems off her rocker. I mean she IS off her rocker.
  16. Heather, you kept it together tonight. I know it's a sad time and I'm sorry. Keep your head up Hun. You really did your Father proud tonight. Best of luck.
  17. I may be wrong but this sounds like a real hum dinger.
  18. So...the woman wasn't driving? She just ran? Wonder why she just left her husband like that.
  19. You must have gone through something bad, really, really bad for you to have such distrust.
  20. Well, she looks like a sweet girl and I really hope she comes home soon.
  21. I'm in that area and I will absolutely keep an eye out for your sons dog. For some reason, lots of wandering dogs end up down there. Good luck. I hope she comes home sooner than later.
  22. I feel your love and pride coming through your words. So good to read. Thanks for sharing your story. And a big thank you to your son for his service!
  23. Looks good Mrs. G! I love doing stuff like this.
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