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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Lord, I wish I had seen this post last night. The answer to my question is that Mr. Dis employer opted for the "cafeteria plan" which provides for a 2500.00 cap. Phew.....that was a long way to go to get an answer. Yes Mr Dis.......you will be paying more. Write a letter to Obama and ask him why you were lied to cause Pubby answered my question in one simple sentence, so I'm good with this issue.
  2. Look, this is my last post on this issue (yea me) I do not understand why the law listed in the government website states that it is 5,000.00 for a family and you have a different amount. Guess I'll save the next post in this very enjoyable thread for the morning.
  3. Mr. Dis. ANY MFing letter from your HR rep will confirm the terms of your employee benefit package and will not confirm the law. Are you saying that it was not a decision, made by them, as to what the rules would be? Are you saying that it is not 5,000.00 for a family? Just yes not no, K?
  4. The reality of your argument needs to be taken up with your provider, not with me. In other words the law provides for 5,000.00, your provider has limited it to 2,500.00. Sorry you want to believe otherwise.
  5. No you didn't. All you did was attempt to insult.
  6. So, I WANT to believe that what you are saying is wrong huh? Just for giggles? I'll cut to the chase....you posted your limit was 2500.00 under the law. Of course, the law you were referring to was the law of your provider. I looked up the law, it's at 5000.00 so I questioned you. Now, because I questioned you, I'm a head in the sand, koolaide drinking, obtrusive individual? You need to speak to your provider and ask THEM why you are being shorted 2500.00 worth of pre tax savings. If you have a point, make it.
  7. I asked a question. I guess in your world that equates to sticking my fingers in my ears and saying la la la. I never said "my" president wouldn't lie. He's a politician. You know the rest.
  8. Here is the section I was talking about. How Does an FSA Work? First, you calculate your annual election(s). When you decide to enroll in FSAFEDS each year during Open Season, you first need to determine how much money you want to elect for your account(s) for the upcoming Benefit Period. The maximum you can elect for a Benefit Period is $5,000 per DCFSA account, and beginning January 1, 2013, $2,500 per HCFSA (or LEX HCFSA). However, the household limit for a DCFSA is $5,000 ($2,500 if you are married, but filing separately). The minimum annual amount you can elect is $250 per acc
  9. I did do some research and I posted what the law currently is. It's at 5,000.00. That is what the law says. Other posters have not indicated that they are at 5,000.00 or above. What is your deal? You don't like it when people question you. They are asking a question, they are not being "obtuse." Get the hell over it. Your words, not mine. WOW.
  10. Best of luck to you Mr. Dis. There is no point in trying to discuss a point with someone who IS INSISTANT because I am questioning a point that I bury my head in the sand and drink koolaide. Have a good night. I'm sure your fellow rapid posters will post so many supportive posts that your point will be proven.
  11. So....we are to believe that he lied because you said so? Others on the board are not agreeing and have not seen a reduction. Are you saying that those companies whose employees are not seeing a reduction are not operating within the law? I am not trying to argue with you. I'm confused as to why some do and some don't.
  12. Found a review on yelp that was dated 2008. Is that any help?
  13. It's not that I didn't believe you, I just wanted to find out for myself. Seems to me that any reduction comes from your employer so why are you calling Obama a liar?
  14. No DB, it will look like this if he wins. http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Ftablet%2Fs%3Fei%3DUTF-8%26p%3Dpicture%2Bof%2Ba%2Bflying%2Bamerican%2Bflag&w=640&h=457&imgurl=thesisterteam.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2010%2F07%2Famerican-flag1.jpg&size=28KB&name=american-flag1.jpg&rcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthesisterteam.com%2Ffly-your-flag-correctly%2F&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fthesisterteam.com%2Ffly-your-flag-correctly%2F&p=flying+american+flag&type=&no=1&tt=115&oid=A13427CF40373CA2C5C481B9C7E8D3A05092C8A8&tit
  15. The government website I went to said $5,000.00 for 2013 for a family and $2500.00 for an individual. Here, take a look. https://www.fsafeds.com/fsafeds/summaryofbenefits.asp#PayDeductions
  16. Might want to rethink the UK part. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/sep/29/uk-worst-quality-of-life-europe
  17. I'm sorry but, it seems to me that working at Lockheed is subject to layoffs at any time. Since I have lived here, which is 20+- years that's all I've heard from the people who have worked there.
  18. I hear you on that one "slick.". They seem to have lightened up the past week or so.
  19. To me, this is not a judgement or an opinion call, it's a constitutional right. I know that people are passionate about this issue so rather than get caught in the crosshairs, I'll bow out of this issue.
  20. I'm much more than female body parts as well, I have eyes, ears and a brain too. I do not think that the state of Mississippi should be able to limit the availability of a constitutional right. But they can and do and that concerns me.
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