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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. NC tax breaks. 30mil of that the movie industry doesn't have to pay to the state. http://www.journalnow.com/business/business_news/local/nc-budget-appears-likely-to-include-film-tax-credits/article_d201bd00-2bb2-5309-b7a9-5d8063f82423.html This is for GA. I found this statement to be interesting. http://www.georgia.org/competitive-advantages/tax-credits/film-television-and-digital-entertainment/
  2. I'm not in either one of those districts. Like I said this is BS. EVERY state offers hollyweird tax breaks to make their movies/TV programs in the state. It's a business, and just like the "actors" it's all a show.
  3. Bunch of bull. If they get big enough tax breaks do that it is cheaper to make the movie/tv program that's where they'll make it.
  4. I watch all of the NCIS shows. I hope they replace Tony with at least a similar character. He is the one that adds the subtle comedic relief to the show. I haven't watched criminal minds though.
  5. What ARE you people talking about? I know a whole lot of people, from all kinds of places, I even know and count as my BFF an archaeologist, and I've never heard anyone of them say something like that. So, I'm wondering if this is more of that "different" idea stuff that as long as you agree with us your OK. Or, is it a backhanded insult? I swear for some of you folks who live here, I really have to wonder why? Why would you live in a place you obviously hate so much?
  6. That thread was closed hours ago. Good thing too, as it was just a pot stirrer so that Eddie could cry victim. They were right to close it.
  7. Spin off from a closed thread? http://paulding.com/forum/topic/318092-paulding-county-dummies/
  8. Yeah, I'll have to get back to her again. The boy and I were away this weekend. Spring the time for baseball, football camps and combines.
  9. Kim Cobb, has always, and will continue to be one of the greatest assets to our BOE. She listens, she stands up and she will always do what's right for our kids.
  10. Well then let's turn this around. Do you think that a mother should be FORCED to have an aboortzion because the baby has microcephaly? Or, for that matter any birth defect?
  11. So, if it were up to YOU, you would FORCE a woman to have an aboortzion? So, what your saying is eugenics is a good thing and you're all for it. Sounds kinda like the government in Germany in WW2. BTW I know facts don't matter to the pro aboortzion crowd, but less then 1% of aboortzions are due to rape, or incest. Less then 20% are due to the health of the mother, and most if not all of those take place in a professional setting, not a murder factory. While the pro aboortzion crowd tries to focus on the smallest percentage, those of us with a brain, are focused on the babies that are
  12. This is just like the Ebola scare. Give it a rest already. Seeing that murdering your baby in the womb is legal, nobody is going to FORCE any woman into giving life to her BABY.
  13. I hate that parking lot. Who comes up with this stuff anyways? Yeah they are, and they just did the whole moving everything around last year about this time.
  14. You just went through the gammit. LOL Stay warm and dry.
  15. I just got up and looked out. Seems the chickens don't think it's a big deal, they're out in the yard doing their thing.
  16. Yep I now have 3 dogs and the cat right next to me. The other two will be along soon.
  17. You know those dadgum teenagers.......... think they are impervious to everything.
  18. I now have a dog in my lap, and will most likely have the other 4 up under me soon. I hope DS wore jeans to school today.
  19. IMHO I have always seen them higher here in the Dallas Nebo area.
  20. I know that when my older kids were in school there was a letter sent home, and when 16 yr old was in elementary school there was a letter sent home. Of course I wouldn't see the letter until about a month, or even the end of the year after the fact, because I don't rummage through my kids backpacks. My point is maybe a letter has been sent home, and maybe it's in the backpack. BTW strep is also going around, as well as a couple of other viruses. There's outbreak of whooping cough in Cobb, mainly in the schools with kids from other countries. Oh, and I also read there has been an out brea
  21. SA always has what I need in shoe sizes for 16 yr old. They also carry UA which is the brand 16 yr old prefers. So, yes I am sad to hear this, and sadder still that the store in Hiram may be one of the ones closed.
  22. They are always higher.
  23. Grand daughter might love this.
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