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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. They're everywhere, they're everywhere..... Alligator in NC. http://wkml.com/2016/06/20/large-alligator-seen-crossing-the-road-in-north-carolina/
  2. There is gator season in Florida. Yes, they were hunted to near extinction hence the hunting season for them. Yes, I would assume if there is a no swimming sign, it would mean stay out of the water. But, not because of the wild life, but because it may be polluted. Anyways we live in a society that has no common sense. When you have to put idiot labels on everything that says a lot about our society. Yes, Disney will be paying a butt load of money to that family. Just like when McDonalds payed that money to the woman with the hot coffee suit. We should have seen that as the beginning of
  3. As my daughter posted on FB. And we also taught the kids "if the sign says no swimming, ya don't go in at all."
  4. We have to go next week. DS FINALLY decided he wants his license.
  5. I really am glad you had a good time. I do love the Fox though. Yes, I have been a couple of times. I get distracted by the architecture and decorations. I wish they built homes, schools, and other buildings like that today.
  6. So I'm confused, please help me out here. Is TP advocating to have a modern day Crusades, or is he drunk again? I guess he could be at least acknowledging that the Crusades were because of the invasion of the Muslims.
  7. I'm happy you had a good experience. But the Varsity??? Yes, I know I'm going to catch flack for that. I just hate the traffic, and the fact that the last two times I was down there I got lost. Once because someone had an accident on the highway. The other time we don't talk about.
  8. I avoid the city on a good day. There ain't no way I would go anywhere near there.
  9. I say we all wash our cars/trucks tomorrow.
  10. Some times they have more then one office. Maybe the doctor that you PC referred you to has offices out here or in Marietta.
  11. Yes, sadly he is He, introduced me to Dr. Naveen at our last visit.
  12. they hired her last year. She seems nice. I use Dr. Johnson. But, he is leaving next month.
  13. We do have some pretty awesome teachers at PC. Well in all our schools really.
  14. Hiram Animal Hospital.
  15. Congratulations Mr. Pederson. GO PATRIOTS!!!! http://www.mdjonline.com/neighbor_n...cle_2e47601a-2cfb-11e6-af10-37589219f3dd.html Paulding County High School science teacher Marc Pedersen recently received a national award for helping advance the biotechnology industry through education. Pedersen received the the BioGENEius Mentor Award from the nonprofit Biotechnology Institute, the Paulding County School District announced in a news release.
  16. I just want to know who the CAVEers are. Are they the CAVE people? That would be kinda cool, I didn't know they were still around I thought they died off a long time ago.
  17. Ancestery.com has all kinds of Revolutionary and pre Revolutionary war documents, including pensions and war records. Just saying it's not that hard to find the missing links. Because that link, and what you have always posted don't jive. Now the Native American links are much harder.
  18. Wait a minute..... haven't you always said that your family is from Georgia? Now as I recall Ga was set up as a penile colony, with the idea that it would protect the rest of the colonies from the Spanish in Florida. They were also Tories, and fought WITH the Crown not against it. And, you don't believe a single word that meme says.
  19. well you know, what's just a tropical storm to us, is a hurricane to others. It is almost June 1st. Ppl
  20. I got an email that they are closing all of the stores. I did go by there the other day, not much left at all. I did get a great pair of tennis shoes though!!
  21. Maybe if there were a class on civics were still taught, then maybe just maybe the populace would start thinking again. Nah, that would be too scary for the powers.
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