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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Well at least I don't have to get up at butt-thirty in the morning. All school activities have been cancelled.
  2. You know as well as I do, that the same ones who bitched about the schools/gooberment not telling them what to do the last time, will be the same ones bitching about how the schools jumped the gun if we don't get anything, yadda, yadda.
  3. Well I wouldn't mind some snow, but it has to be after the EP tournament on Saturday, and then it can only be enough to make the landscape pretty. The roads need to not ice over.......... you get the idea. HA,HA,HA All my family in NC are bracing for the storm.
  4. I had heard of it. I read that there was a travel advisory for pregant women not to travel to places where this disease is. All those mosquitoe vector viruses are nasty. I was just going to leave that one alone. There was an uptick of heartworm disease in Alaska when a lot of the dogs were adopted after hurricane Katrina. Just saying........
  5. I'm not hearing any of that here. Today That boom the other day was to loud and strong to be a spray can blowing up. I don't think it would've shook my house. Our house is a brick house, it's not one of those slap together houses in the subdivisions. Across the street neighbor thinks it could've been from he quary (sp) on Mulberry rock. I guess that's possible. Next door neighbor was shooting his shotgun off along with that big boom. DH and DS love to have to target practice, but they don't go on all day.
  6. Ah, OK, we've only been here since 05, so I reckon we're still newcomers.
  7. So, maybe something on Jane Harris???? Ah, well seems to have quieted down all noise that was going on. Guess it will be one of those things........ Yeah, I don't think he lives over in this neck of the woods.
  8. I know it wasn't my neighbor, he's at work, and I know it wasn't one of my men folk they are in the house. Maybe a transformer?
  9. Seriously, there has been a lot of noises today, some sounded like target practice, some sounded like a dumpster being dumped (no there are no strip malls around us.) Then a loud boom that shook our house, and freaked out my animals, thank you very freaking much. I was just thinking Pubby is in the hood now, so he might know what that was. It sounded like it came from over on 61.
  10. What did you just blow up man?
  11. I wasn't in GA. at that time. But I do remember it being very cold in S. FL.
  12. You know the memes where the boss is like "you comin in to work?" We had a 81 Camero (God I miss that car), lived on a hill, the way to work was up Buford Hwy, hills and all, and the man wanted to know if I was coming into work. I was like Dr. I'm from Florida, number one, and we only have the Camero, have you lost you mind. We lost power, but we hunkered down in one of the bedrooms, and camped out. Between the pets, and our body heat the room stayed cool but comfortable.
  13. Well at least we know the snow is trying to get to us.
  14. The things we do for our younguns. They just better remember when it comes time to take care of us in our old age.
  15. According to my weather app, we won't see anything till the week after next. Even then it will be rain mixed with snow. So, I'm thinking we may not get any "fun" stuff this month.
  16. I love my Gators, through thick and thin. I will however wear whatever school colors my son ends up at. I'll just have my Gator gear under it. He's wanting to go to UGA. I did warn my son that the Alabama fans would be insufferable today. As evidenced by those on my FB page.
  17. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/david-bowie-dead-legendary-artist-854364 "David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief," read a statement posted on the artist's official social media accounts.
  18. DS said he saw some flurries at PCHS yesterday. I think he was just hoping.......
  19. Thanks for reminding me. Time to up the zinc, vit c, d, and ecanatiacha (sp.) I told the home care nurse not to come to the house for two weeks, after she got that flu vaccine. I also asked that if she HAD (because work forces her) to get any others to not come by for at least two weeks after she got any vaccine.
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