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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Yes, we do need something. But, even if we did this young man may not have chosen to stay. because most homeless shelters don't allow pets.
  2. So, someone who has actually read the Constitution? Someone who won't find rights is the bill of rights that don't exist? Someone who understands that separation of Church and state is no where in the Constitution? That nowhere in the Constitution does it state that a woman can kill he child. Oh wouldn't that put y'alls panties in a twist. Someone who actually understands that the gooberment has overstepped it bonds and must be reigned in. Yeah I'm quite sure that obama doesn't know anyone like that.
  3. Hey welcome to my bubble!! ^^^^ Same thing for me.
  4. Oh, well that makes it soooooo much better. Hey guys you're only on the hook for 10%. Yes, your taxes will still go up, and no there will be no improvement to the infrastructure. Because, you know at least we aren't paying 100% of the bonds. There doesn't that make you feel better. Edited: Before the grammar Nazis showed up.
  5. My DD, and SIL use the computer with Nextflix deal. I don't know that they record any programming though.
  6. I have checked them out. DS wants to try them. He is liking the meat, and cheese Ideas.
  7. In red is exactly the attitude of the ones that are for this thing, and also the ones that say " I don't care."
  8. I thought that's what we did, when the thing was voted against the first two times around, but the commissioners went ahead and did it anyway. We also voted in the 3 that are keeping their promises to slow down the fast train, or in this case Jets so that there can be an open, AKA transparent dealings with an airport that nobody really wanted in the first place. So, not only does Paulding not want the thing, they are stuck with it, and now have to pay the bonds that Propeller was supposed to take care of. Now when your taxes go up, they won't be to support the schools, the roads, or any oth
  9. How long do they keep? They most certainly are more nutritious looking then the school lunches. I know for DS I would need them to be high in protein, and some carbs.
  10. Wonder of that means healthy lettuce will be less then the iceberg lettuce?
  11. But, did you also notice all the "side affects" of all of them? There are an awful lot of "may cause suicidal thoughts or tendinciys. (sp)" But, you know "gun control" is the answer.
  12. Yeah, and that is why you can't sue the vaccine manufactures, and why there is a gooberment program to pay for vaccine injured children. Just sayin.
  13. We don't use pine straw, but I have commented just to bump this up for ya.
  14. Nah that's what fire places, generators, and spare batteries are for.
  15. Still just wet and cold here. My chickens are starting to get webbed feet.
  16. Thanks ladies. It's now so much a cold, as just one nostril is stopped up. But, I will try the suggestions, just to get it unstopped.
  17. Gross. Now that's what I'm talking bout. I'll try it. I hate when my ears pop.
  18. Well it's a rainy, cold, drizzly, may or may not snow day. So what do you do to clear your nose? No, really, I got one side that feels all stuffy, the other side doesn't, but when I try to clear the stuffy side, my ears pop. Any one else got this problem?
  19. I've seen those things. I'm really glad DS didn't ask for one.
  20. That's why I try to avoid "discussions" with some of the posters on here.
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