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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. You know he didn't even bother to look at my link, and it isn't even from a so called "right wing" page. I guess he likes to be uninformed. And, yes because of people like him, and others on this board. History will repeat. How many times do we have to say "We told you so?"
  2. Who would have thunk it? I noticed there are only 2 women in the picture, no old people or children......... http://toprightnews.com/breaking-paris-terrorist-a-syrian-refugee-who-arrived-in-greece-in-october/
  3. http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/vietnamization But, you and others applauded this same strategy when Obama, wanted to do it with Afghanistan.
  4. I have a red sharpie. Who want's to go and correct the sign?
  5. First of all during the Vietnam war, I was an infant. So take your chicken hawk and stuff it. Yes, Iraq and all the subsequent war has/is a cluster****. Thanks to the liberal pantie waist, real chicken hawks. BTW what was your MOS? I'm just curious.
  6. Richard Nixion was pretty awesome. He knew that if we stayed in a war that was already a cluster**** because of LBJ and the peace loving free sex media, it would just continue, and way more then the 58,000 + would be dead. How many chohoi were in the South Veitmanese areas? Only to turn on our guys? How many guys lost their lives because of the civil unrest here in the US? I mean really, Hanoi Jane, turned over the note from one of the POWs when she gave (and is still giving) aid and comfort to the enemy. My husband told me about the men who put down their weapons, because "this is a white
  7. My husband (who is a Vietnam Vet) said last night, "all wars are winnable if the politicians would just stay out it." I am waiting for France to decide to go to war now. And, don't worry they will wait until we have a President with the cahoonies to take care of business.
  8. Maybe call Good Mews. They might be able to give you some resources.
  9. Both their families are still waiting for answers. I saw William at all the football games this year. I would give him a hug, but further then that I didn't know what to say. It had to be hard for him knowing that Nick wasn't out there playing his last season. He was there for his youngest. This whole season there were many tributes to both of them. We lost 4 kids, and we have 5 that are still recovering from the accidents this year. Please keep these families, and schools in your prayers. And yes, the trooper should have dropped out of the councilman race.
  10. So you agree that the 26th should be repealed, as well as the selective service.
  11. You do know we don't have a draft anymore. Right? Further I know many 18 year olds who do vote (thank God they actually educate themselves before hand.) The ones you are thinking about MAY not vote, but given your propensity to continually post about how the frontal lobe isn't developed enough for an 18 year old to make mature decisions I would think you would have no problem with returning the voting age to 21. Personally I have always thought that is a kid is old enough to be an adult at 17/18 then they should be able to drink, sign contracts, buy their own insurance etc..... Basically be
  12. Normally I would agree, however he is the one that keeps posting about his alleged nightmare with the justice system. From what I have read it is BOTH of them that have been pitting the kids (adult, as well as child) against each other. Either way none of it has anything to do with the ORIGINAL topic. And, yes I have seen the damage all that immature garbage does to the kids. Even the adult kids. Personally I think that if you can't be grownups then you don't need to have the kids. Make BOTH parents pay child support to the State/foster/extended family and have only supervised visits, get th
  13. Like the radio person said this morning "all the important stuff that is going on, and they want to talk about THIS?" What this says to me is, the media is running scared. They know they will lose the "reality show" people, and the sheep might just start thinking for themselves if the media were to really start focusing on the real issues. Now we know that there will always (as some on this board prove) those that even when presented with facts (real ones) will still follow the sheep. Glad to know I'm not one of them.
  14. Well actually you didn't. Read post #125 & #126. Or was it just easier to go to the ones that followed them?
  15. I will never let a guy cut my hair again. Yep, I said I just wanted a trim (at the time my hair was below my shoulders) he cut it up to my neck. I was ticked.
  16. What he said. Mainly cause he said it much better then I could. I would add that if one wants to blame man, maybe we should stop clearing the land for more shopping malls, and subdivisions. At least until all the existing homes and buildings are fully occupied. You know that whole trees turn carbon dioxide into oxygen thing. (Something I learned in elementary science.)
  17. In 1955, after many state and local governments had passed legislation dealing with air pollution, the federal government decided that this problem needed to be dealt with on a national level. This was the year Congress passed theAir Pollution Control Act of 1955, https://www.ametsoc.org/sloan/cleanair/cleanairlegisl.html
  18. http://www.armstrongeconomics.com/archives/38866 Yep, just checked the weather forcast, looks like there's a chance a comin.
  19. Thank you for those of you coming to my defense. I choose to ignore his comment as obviously that was all he had, and therefore wasn't worth the time to comment back. In any case, as evidenced by this thread, I am glad we already have weapons to defend ourselves against the "little angels" that some of you would let off with a pat on the head, and a "use your words dear." For they will be the next generation of inmates.
  20. Because they were respectful, and went back to class when instructed to do so, and you darn well know it. Really your not that dense.
  21. IDK seems to me he might need to know about all that water expanding, contracting stuff. You ever hear of a refrigerator, AC unit freezing up? Just sayin it might be one of those things that he would need to know in his business.
  22. Well if the dumbasses wouldn't build right on the ocean, they wouldn't have that to worry about now would they? I remember a time when, before all the condos blocked the ocean (cause why would any one living inland want the ocean breezes) you could feel the ocean breeze all the way inland. But, lets blame climate change on people building massive condos right on the ocean. I know some in WPB that would love to see those monstrosities fall so they can get back the breezes that are blocked by them. Oh, and lets don't forget that simply because of the more dense population of the coastal
  23. Back many moons ago, I was a waitress at the WH. Now this is when Freaknick was going on. We had one cashier (who was paid about 10 an hour to take care of the checks, and to go orders. Just saying depends on if that is all they are doing then probably not tipping.
  24. That's been covered 2 pages back, and it still doesn't excuse her behavior. According to you, DVP, and LLPT as long as the kid isn't rich, white, has both parents, any behavior goes. Call me crazy (and you most likely will) but if I expect my kids to behave then I also expect other kids to do the same.
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