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Everything posted by gog8tors

  1. Dr. Breckwoldt is AWESOME!!!! I think you will be very pleased with him. Make sure (I do this period with all my doctors) to write down any questions you might have, he will take the time to answer them completely and he will make sure you understand what he has said.
  2. You are correct, my point was that she kept looking to her handler (off screen) and was copying what the handler was doing. The fact that the video and OP were stating that Koko has a message just reminded me of that particular episode.
  3. Oh, and if as some of you say you are so concerned with the environment. Then you must be anti airport. After all have you seen the beauty that is the WMA? How bout no more construction? It destroys the environment. How many of you bought brand new homes, when there were tons of homes that were already built and unoccupied? If you bought a brand new home then you weren't exactly holding up your end of the bargain were you? How bout all the condos that are being built on our seashores? They are destroying the environment. I could go on but, I hope you get the point.
  4. You are correct. Monkey (or in this case Ape) see monkey/ape do. This reminds of a Law and order episode. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0629222/ "Facilitated communication" (the technique of "facilitating" the communicative abilities of a person with autism by "guiding" their hands over a communication device) has largely been discredited throughout the psychiatric community."
  5. I'm glad it's over. My dogs were going crazy,and getting on my last nerve. We never have that much traffic. Yeah for the most part it's always been pretty quiet around here. I do hope this is just an isolated incident.
  6. Yay!!!!! Being home will be the best thing!!!
  7. I'm thinking envelopes on the tree. Keeps the cats and dogs out of trouble. OK, I haven't even begun to shop......
  8. Congratulations. Praying that baby, gains the weight she needs to so they can go home soon. I hope mom gets as much rest as possible. I know it will be hard in the hospital. Hopefully they will get to go home soon.
  9. AND ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. I would post a video but I'm on my cell.
  10. ooooookkkaayyy. They were very caring, and wonderful. I guess it's just having the right attitude.
  11. My husband had Novalumb. It didn't work so well for him but, it may have slowed the cancer enough for a while. There have been really great results for others though. You were lucky you got in the trails. With DH his cancer is service connected, so he was treated through the VA.
  12. What it actually does is slow down the cancer growth thereby giving the patient a better quality of life, as well as hopefully a longer life. Most often 4 to 9 months. The drug is thousands of dollars per infusion. Each infusion is an hour long every two weeks. It is not acure. But I thank God for it, we are 1 year and 5 months out from my husband's diagnosis.
  13. That's how I read it too. If Mr. Carter has a sense of humor, that may be the way he is telling it. I read it as humor. It was the same thing I said about myself when the doctor told me the same thing years ago. I needed an x-ray of my head, and he said they didn't see anything. I laughed and asked if there was at least something that looked like a brain. Some people take this internet too personally.
  14. It can be done, many people do it. Living within your means is not that hard. The kids can attend college w/o gooberment help. Scholarships are abundant. If they are poor enough, and the father isn't in the picture they MIGHT be able to get on peach care or medicaid. Or, the parents could have a job with health benefits, and then the kids can't get on medicare or peach care. As far as my reading comprehension...... it's just fine. Maybe you check yours. To the topic though. Nothing will be done, there will be all the grandstanding by the political people, but "at the end of the day" N
  15. Reread your post. It came off as condescending. Plenty of people live on a lot less, and without gooberment help. They too have children to raise, and yes some even have kids in college. NOT every single mom/dad is on welfare. Matter of fact I know of several single moms that aren't on welfare and don't make 53K + per year. Funny how they still raise their kids, and oh my goodness even send them to college. W/O gooberment help. Some people still have children at home, and golly gee wiz they're married, or even in a committed relationship. What's your point about your DH working? Yeah septi
  16. Are you kidding me??? MOST people live on less then 53K a year w/o gooberment help. But, I guess if your priorities are in material things then you wouldn't know how to live on less. What's funny is what you see as successful isn't what someone else sees as success.
  17. Oh man, I wish we could be there. We'll be at EP cheering on THE PCHS Wrestling team.
  18. http://www.edweek.org/ew/qc/2015/state-highlights/2015/01/08/georgia-education-ranking.html This year, Georgia finishes 31st among the 50 states and District of Columbia, with an overall score of 72.1 out of 100 points and a grade of C-minus. The nation as a whole posts a grade of C. Just sayin, Google can be your friend.
  19. Well thank you for admitting that I am smart. However I am a smart woman. As for the rest of your post. His own statements about how he hates his white half, and many other things in his books. His wife's statements about how he was going to fundamentally change America. Evidence: more division between the colors of the human race, maligning Christianity, promoting war on women, falsely stating over and over again (the more you repeat a lie the more likely some will believe it) that ANY other political party is out to get you. Shall I go on? Now, Pubby seems to me the "fear, loathing, hate
  20. Wow, you mean those of us Americans (who just happen to be of the lighter skinned human race) and are over 45? You mean the ones of us who actually read his books? You mean the ones of us who actually listened, and warned everyone that he was/is out to destroy America? Those of us who actually thought/knew that he is a HALF black man who would/is still being used as a prop for the destruction of all American values. You mean people (both of the darker skin, and lighter skin and everything in between of the human race) who saw this man and are independent thinkers. You mean us? Wow, Pubs you re
  21. I think Lighthouse food pantry does. I also want to say Hickory Hights Baptist Church.
  22. Wait.......What????? I thought he was/is this great orator. I think Ms. Valerie has just run out of lies to tell him to say, and they have left him swinging in the wind. I just wish he would stop telling us who we are not (mainly because he doesn't have a clue,) and who he thinks ISIS/ISIL is, cause most people (and some that are FINALLY waking up) know when someone is trying to tell them an orange is an apple when clearly it is not. or·a·tor ˈôrədər,ˈärədər/ noun a public speaker, especially one who is eloquent or skilled. synonyms: speaker, public speaker, spee
  23. Seems to me before all y'all go on. just thought this might be helpful. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/STATUTE-94/pdf/STATUTE-94-Pg102.pdf
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