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Coppertop's Pop

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Everything posted by Coppertop's Pop

  1. Did you see Vick's eyes yesterday? He was in la-la land. The Eagles o-line is a joke
  2. Bama looked shell shocked. This may have cost them a shot at the national championship. Bummer
  3. Did you notice gun sales have went through the roof? Be smart and manage your money. Don't drive around in a new Cadillac if you can only afford an old Pinto. Avoid using credit cards and home equity loans and whenever possible, pay with cash. Avoid blowing money at the movies and eating out. Set a budget for Christmas and STICK TO IT! Simplicity...it really works.... You want to get back on track? Think simplicity.
  4. We've uses Pate's as well and we've had good service from them.
  5. It's quite obvious that you & I disagree on political issues, but when Wall Street professionals wants the fiscal cliff avoided, the fiscal cliff will be avoided. I have chosen to ride the market out and if you study history, over the long run, a well diversified stock portfolio has had greater returns than gold. So if you want to cash out, go ahead. Diversification is the key to long term success. Listening to the folks at Fox News will only raise your blood pressure.
  6. Vaporize? Think long term. Trying to time the market is much riskier than remaining diversified and remaining patient. Did you notice the Dow was actually up on Friday? Sure, some companies will struggle (like coal producers) as this administration wants to find alternative energy sources that are better for the environment, but many companies across many market sectors will do just fine. Stop with all the doom and gloom.
  7. we have experienced every combination of Republican and Democrat president, bull market and bear market, that you can think of. People hate to think of the economy as that unpredictable, but it's the reality. The odds are quite good that the most important business stories of the next five or 10 years will have nothing to do with who won the election. So keep in mind this: •You should want to own good businesses. •You should want to hold them for a long time. •You should want to buy them at great prices. •None of those three should be materially influenced by who wins the election.
  8. I still believe that if you can hold off making moves right now regarding stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc, we can see what happens with Fiscal Cliff issues, and then make adjustments accordingly. I believe that a lot of the activity this past week has been very emotional and may not be prudent. Think long term...we didn't get into this financial mess overnight and we won't get out of it overnight either. I still believe the Congress will work out a deal to avoid the Fiscal Cliff and truthfully, many folks don't even know what the Fiscal Cliff is. I truly believe President Obama and Congress
  9. Our jails and prisons are full of people convicted of drug related crimes. Now Colorado has legalized recreational use of pot. I know some folks are ok with that, but I still think drug dealers should be lined up against a wall and shot. my two cents worth....
  10. The right wing media is in despair this morning. Hannity, Rush, Boortz, etc; they are shocked that Obama got re-elected..... Boortz is whining and predicting doom and gloom, but it's all a bunch of hogwash. The sky isn't falling and we are still the greatest country in the world. Thank goodness the democrats have stood up for the working class and the elderly.
  11. I'm happy Obama won. Goodnight folks, I gotta get up early.
  12. I suspect when the final tally is done, Obama will have at least 295 electoral votes...
  13. OBAMA WINS!!!! Fox & CNN both predict an Obama victory!
  14. wacky backy makes folks hungry...the local Krystal would see an increase in sales if pot were legalized.
  15. Many on this board think if Obama wins again, the sky will fall and we're all doomed... I'm glad to know that the sun will rise in the morning and life will go on and Obama will win reelection.
  16. He's paid his debt to society for the dog fights, but I'm still surprised at the number of folks who want to see him get his neck broke. Mike Vick has been beat up and knocked down hard. Last night, the Saints went right through the Eagles offensive line and sacked him over and over again. He can't continue to get beat up like that. The reason Philly is losing is their Offensive line stinks. Don't you feel even just a little bit sorry for Mike Vick? I like Mike Vick, but C'MON MAN!
  17. Lockheed Martin wanted to give a golden handshake (early retirement incentive) to SOME hand picked employees, but the union balked and said the golden handshake should apply to ALL employees currently eligible to retire. With the seniority rights of unionized labor, those with more seniority will keep their job while newbies will get laid off. Lockheed has already shafted new hires on their insurance benefits and pension program and the old timers are hanging on as long as they can. Bottom line is our nation is $16 trillion in debt and cuts in every federal program are on the horizon. W
  18. Obama will win and it won't even be close.... I predict at least 295 electoral votes for Obama
  19. Leave it up to a republican like Bloomberg to be more worried about the marathon than his own citizens who's homes were damaged and still are without water, power, food & fuel.
  20. Romney will lose because the unions support Obama. Just wait and see!
  21. I've told my family time and time again NEVER talk to the police. EVER! See what happens when someone tries to do the right thing? I suspect a good lawyer will win a nice little jackpot from the taxpayers thanks to the incompetence of the Clayton County Police.
  22. There is a place in Dallas across the street from Joan's restaurant. It's called Sam's. We bought a dryer there and have had good service. You might could look them up and ask about a refrigerator. There is also a place in Marietta on Powder Springs Street between Sandtown & Garrison Road called Smith's Appliances. We've went in there and thay have some good deals. I don't know of a place in Hiram.
  23. The Justice Department's argument would allow police to install cameras on private property without court oversight ... Attorneys for the defendants noticed that the surveillance took place before the warrant was granted. So the ruling implies the cops can place a survellance camera on your private property without your knowlege and if the cops see you break the law, they can go afterwards and get a warrant for your arrest. That goes against the Fourth Amendment. We officially reside in a police state. they are watching you!
  24. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57542510-38/court-oks-warrantless-use-of-hidden-surveillance-cameras/ Police are allowed to install hidden surveillance cameras on private property without obtaining a search warrant, a federal judge said yesterday. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! Search and seizure? This is an attack on the civil liberties of each and every American. When will it end? The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and requires that warrants describe the place that's being searched. Now the Feds have made up their own rules and do whatever they want, whenever they wa
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