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Everything posted by Prince4ever

  1. Every week here too. Gotta keep up ya know.
  2. You might not want to hear this BUT...Read the book of Revelation!!! That will tell you what is going on!! That's all I'm saying so if any of you want to START something...go for it!!!
  3. I saw the big sign at the church too. Are you going to have yard sale items such and furniture??
  4. I am also curious.....................
  5. MCNails on 278 just across the line into Cobb Co. They are great!!! 770-222-8788 tell them Miss Sandra sent you..Mary does mine..she is the owner.
  6. I know I am in the area...woo..hooo!!!!!
  7. What area do you deliver to???
  8. I wonder if it is just for those that were Marines and if it would apply to the widows...my husband was in the Army Viet Nam.
  9. I promise I didn't cause either...lol
  10. NO....would have been 43 yrs now but he died after 34 yrs and then number 2 died after only 10 1/2 mo. Looking for number 3 now!!!!!
  11. Are there any age restrictions?? As in too old?? lol
  12. I would take the max..but $500 sure would be great!!!
  13. I sure hate to hear this!! He delivered my son..............
  14. I cooked..baked chicken, green beans w/potatoes, corn and biscuits..yummmmyyy
  15. I am from the same family!! And yes the genealogy writer in the Dallas New Era, Dale Loudermilk. is also from the same family too..I am sure she would love to hear from you!!!
  16. Sorry but I think they are UGLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
  17. James will truly be missed.. We could always count on him when we needed him...rest in peace cuz....I am praying for all the family too..God bless them!!!
  18. Been thinking but all I can remember is when Marvin Parson was struck and killed in a car on the train tracks in old town Hiram. It was about that same time.
  19. Thanks, I guess I should have posted about a man.. I have met someone!!!!! Going great so far!!!
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