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Everything posted by Prince4ever

  1. Love them!!! I had some last week in Virginia.
  2. I feel your pain..Been there, done that. I have had to deal with forgiveness for a very long time. I have learned that it is a decision not a feeling. However forgiveness does not mean that you are accepting what they did as ALRIGHT..they will get their just desserts!!!
  3. Tribulation worketh patience...therefor I AM the most patient you will find!!!
  4. YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!! Also a Church's Chicken!!!
  5. I have a friend that house sits long term like you need. I could check with her to see when she would be available if you want. She is the perfect person for such and I would trust her with anything. If you are interested PM me and I'll put you in touch with her. She can also give a you references.
  6. No not that one.. I wouldn't have it..I know all about it..thanks
  7. Not an online would never do that..thanks
  8. I am wondering how that works. There is an opening bid set so if no one opens do they ever go below that price? ANY info would be appreciated.
  9. Yes, My Mom has the spinal cord stimulator implant in her back. Works great just not in the areas that she needs. She is going back in Monday to have the leads moved to get them in the right areas.
  10. This is so unbelievable Roger and Debbie....What can I say....I love you and am praying for you!!!
  11. Need password too please!!
  12. Thanks!! There is ONE particular house I am interested in!!!
  13. I went there and registered but found no where that I could sign up for MY particular street.
  14. We found a wallet a few weeks ago, tracked the guy down and gave it back to him. Didn't take a thing out of it.
  15. Thought that might be what it is. Thanks!
  16. I wish they'd open a Sonic. I think the one in Hiram didn'make it due to the location.
  17. How about the BIG building next to the hwy 120 Wal-Mart?? What is that???
  18. No, I want to buy my old one back. I will rent it out.
  19. We found a wallet last week and when we finally tracked the man down he tried to give me $20. I told him I didn't want it and that it was friend day at church the next Sunday and I would love for him to come. He said IF he didn't come put the money in the offering plate. He didn't come so I put the money in the plate.
  20. There is a house I am wanting to buy but can't until the end of the year. The people have just moved out and isn't under forecloser yet. SO I hope it does drag out till I can afford to buy it.
  21. PM Me for info on George. EDIT: Remove information of non-commmerce member.
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