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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. More likely they will decide to go to another neighborhood.
  2. I keep wondering about the tire slashers..everyone keeps saying the SO caught them..I can not help but wonder if someone saw or heard them and caled 911 to report it and the SO was able to get there in time to catch them. I guess what I am saying is that it takes EVERYONE to put a stop to things lke this. We need to be aware of what is going on around us and report it so that the police can check things out. It takes both the Police and the rest of us to do the job.
  3. LOL I guess "they" will think of nothing
  4. Yes I thought about you being just up the road. Be safe
  5. Everyone should be on the look out. Just because they have been hitting this neighborhood does not mean yours may not be next.
  6. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Hope he is back up quickly and feeling better.
  7. Use to be..got cured. Heck now days I go weeks without looking at Pcom only takes a minute to catch up.
  8. No need to take poll....not normal..never have been, never will be.
  9. The truck being at LM could be to throw the search off. I hope the job site has also been searched as well as the area around it.
  10. I love Turks...but then again the diving there is great.
  11. If she is underage then sue the parents for letting her drive with no insurance.
  12. LPPT says i am the mean girl
  13. In hopes of one day being able to smash that bug.
  14. Who said anything about hiding drinking? Sorry but there was not a lot of drinking done by me when my kids were young.
  15. Anything against the law..smoking or drinking was not allowed. I also no matter how I felt about either would have done neither in front of my kids. Heck I think this past Oct. was the first time my kids..now all grown have ever seen their Mother even slightly tipsy. I always thought I needed to set a good example and not tell my kids how bad something was then turn around and do it.
  16. I wonder if while you and others were standing in that line outside if you had on anything that smelled? See I have had to get up and move MANY times because of the perfume people wear indoors and outside. Have to really love the ones you can smell before they get to you and smell for a while after they have left. Many people have this problem and I never see anyone making laws to stop it. I wonder if I speak up next time and ask the person if they do not mind leaving or taking a bath if they will get pissed?
  17. Does he live off Hiram Sudie?
  18. Michael Kors has several pair that would be great. I just love his boots and shoes.
  19. I really hope you will run again. Good luck in the future.
  20. Will is a nice guy. It is a shame that some who supported him right here on this site helped sealed his fate. Next time he runs for office ( I hope he does) he needs to be VERY careful about his followers and what they do and say. He sadly was tarred with the same brush as them......NUTS, scary and no way did people want to support someone that was backed by such ugly, out of control people. So Good Job I always said I wondered which side some of Will supporters really were on. Will next time learn who really has your back.
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