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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. We need Rudolph too. There's plenty of room for Rudolph!
  2. I'm surprised they didn't impose a bandwidth limit. Imagine being in the middle of a Netflix movie and getting a message from Comcast on the screen that your internet has been suspended for the rest of the month. Of course, they would give you an option to 'buy' more bandwidth.
  3. That's the same article I posted earlier - If y'all haven't read it yet, do. It has a lot of links to local main stream reports about the scanners being turned off / roped off over the weekend.
  4. Do they still cut the temp. back after hours? In other words, 78-80 in the summer and 62-65 in the winter? If so, when the temp. falls the concrete and steel structure looses a lot of heat overnight and can act as a heat sink and take a long time to bring the air up to the desired temperature.
  5. It looks like one more unfunded federal mandate: READ THIS: Local Governments Told to Buy New Street Signs Federal Highway Administration Is Ordering Local Governments to Buy New Street Signs That They Say Are Easier to Read Who want's to go into the sign painting business?
  6. Profiling is more than based on looks. Well trained agents speak with the traveler and within about 30 seconds, they can tell by expressions, body language, voice, etc. if the person needs more attention. So far, it's been 100% effective for Israel.
  7. I misread your original point. The main thing here is if the scanners were not being used on one of the busiest travel weekends, what good are they?
  8. That article had a number of links back to more mainstream news reports from across the country. It was just easier to post the one article.
  9. Why so defensive? The OP asked how many got groped. I replied in a post saying not many would have because travelers all over were reporting that they weren't using the scanners and weren't doing enhanced pat downs in many airports. For some reason, you think that just because I don't fly often, I should be willing to go along with fearful travelers and not question the rights the government is taking from us to give them a false sense of safety. The fearful flyers who believe the machines and enhanced pat downs make them safer should be outraged that they weren't being used in many ai
  10. I'm sure if the DOJ or Defense Department wanted to, they could have easily hijacked the DNS entries used by Wikileaks.
  11. I've read first hand reports from travelers from all over saying the naked scanners weren't being used. In some cases they were even roped off. Drudge Fought The TSA….And Drudge Won The question for those that flew is: Did you seen anyone getting scanned and/or having the enhanced pat down? Also - would you have still flown knowing none of those onboard with you got the additional random screening?
  12. Why didn't they just seize the domains the way the did the alleged pirate sites instead of this lame temporary DOS?
  13. They can seize domains like this over alleged piracy, but can't all they do with wiki-leaks is a lame temporary DOS attack?
  14. The government has no business unilaterally seizing those domains, even with a court order. If allowed to proceed down this path, what's to prevent them from deciding the word 'geek' is offensive and seizing anything with geek in the name. It's up to the copyright owners to sue those who own the domains that allow sharing, not the government to unilaterally enforce and decide what's real and what's counterfeit.
  15. Do you have a source to back that up about a neighbor? If not, you're as guilty of sensationalizing things as you say WSB was. How would you like to be a neighbor of the poor lady and be asked bout the underwear Pubby said you were trying to explain away to your husband?
  16. I don't get the 'WSB got it wrong' remark. Did the authorities never say they were investigating it as a possible homicide?
  17. Anybody have any good recipes? Is squirrel the perfect austerity dish?
  18. This should be a direct link to their page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Powder-Springs-GA/The-Bookworm-Powder-Springs/250704967868
  19. Find me one news report where the TSA had actually found a bomb on a passenger. BTW - it's not the agents themselves, it's their leadership. Every report I found say they get around 40 hours of classroom training and they're put in the airports. According to reports from all over they country, including some in congress, the agents aren't even being trained consistently on what's allowed and what's not or in how to implement new procedures. The levels of security put in place after 9/11 worked, except maybe allow nail clippers. Maybe add bomb sniffing dogs to the checkpoints if you'r
  20. The ad is promising x-ray vision. How perverted is that? :wacko: You're a high school graduate (or equivalent) you answer an ad on a pizza box, you're given 40 hours training and put on the 'front line' searching travelers for contraband. It's funny how some people feel safer because 1 on 10 (my guess at the percent) travelers are randomly selected for additional screening. That means 9 in 10 aren't. If you include the number of children, elderly and handicapped selected that number increases to a lot more than 9 in 10 able bodied people allowed to go through with minimal screening.
  21. Here's a picture of the pizza box: From this article: TSA using pizza boxes to recruit new workers
  22. The liberals progressives would tell you that's the same as executing someone without due process and can't be tolerated. Otherwise, it's a brilliant idea. Meanwhile, some travelers are reporting the backscatter machines are roped off and not being used today: http://gizmodo.com/5698536/fliers-claim-tsa-have-deactivated-body-scanners
  23. They promise x-ray vision and still can't fill all the positions: Advertising on Pizza boxes: TSA Advertises Open Jobs On Pizza Boxes And at gas stations: Desperate TSA looking for new colleagues at gas stations - promises free X-Ray vision and benefits Maybe this is why they need more people - Bib Sis: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/130549-next-step-for-body-scanners-could-be-trains-boats-and-the-metro-
  24. I know this is a repeat of something I posted earlier, but with more information. If you must undergo the pat-down, demand that the agent changes their gloves. They are wearing them to protect themselves and not you, and the TSA believes they can ignore the CDC recommendations. Medical experts believe reusing the gloves can spread infection between passengers. Here are two articles discussing this" Intimate Pat-Downs Raise Risk of Infection at Airports and Spreadin' the glove: TSA infecting U.S.? Latex coverings 'have been in crotches, armpits, touching people who may be ill'
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