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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I guess it depends on how you use it. They're raising the basic package from $8.99 to $9.99, which includes their streaming video and 1 DVD at a time. If you don't want the DVD, you can pay $7.99 for on streaming only. If you only get the DVD's, Rebox and the Blockbuster Kisoks are both possibilities. As for me, I think I'll pay the extra $1.00.
  2. If an adult stranger intentionally touches a child on the privates, even through clothes, what is it called? I'm not the one who originally used that word. It started with people describing their personal experience at the hands of the TSA. So far, this appears to be a solution to a non-existent problem. When was the last time someone tried to board a plane in the US with explosives on their person?
  3. If we continue down this path, how long before people are groped in the name of security when: - they go into a sports arena - kids go to school - police stop you at a road block - you just want to go shopping? etc. etc. etc. Until a month ago, we had some balance between freedom and security and it worked. Not a single attempt to blow up an airplane by someone boarding in the USA. The current checks are so over the top, I still can't believe so many people are OK with it. The irony is, folks are being molested at airports, but the same government doesn't want a state
  4. Not a defense. It's the next logical step that everyone seems to want to avoid talking about. Terrorists in the ME have already planted bombs in their bodies and exploded them. How long before it happens on an airplane? The irony is they will probably board outside the country and won't be subject to the 'enhanced pat down.'
  5. If someone boards a plane with a bomb placed internally, will you be OK with cavity checks?
  6. You're the one who seems to be obsessed with the machine's supposed safety. You even claimed falsely that none of them use xray. The back-scatter are indeed X-RAY based. If you are so afraid to fly that you insist everyone flying with you be seen naked and/or molested, maybe you should not fly.
  7. From the first link: To counter your second link:Airport X-ray scanner is just as likely to kill you as a terrorist bomb From the third link:
  8. OK - What kind of radiation do the back-scatter radiation scanners use?
  9. Show me some non-government doctors, radiologists and scientists that have studied these things and say they're OK. Here's what some are saying: A John Hopkins doctor: Johns Hopkins doctor on TSA scanners: 'statistically someone is going to get skin cancer from these X-rays' A group of medical and biology specialists: Researchers: TSA Misleads Public on Scanner Safety
  10. Have you posted a site that shows exactly how much radiation the xray scanners put out? I've found none, so it's still undisclosed. If you're so afraid someone will blow you up in an airplane that you think these searches are OK, don't fly.
  11. The only next place to hide a bomb is internally. These measures won't catch that. By your logic, we should be doing strip searches and cavity searches on everyone. The strip searches would be to look for recent surgery to implant explosives. If you are too afraid to fly without insisting everyone be exposed to undisclosed amounts of radiation and/or molested by government agents, don't fly!
  12. If folks are so terrified by the thought that they'll be blown up in the air that they want everyone, including children, exposed to an unpublished amount of radiation and/or molested in a pat down, they should avoid flying and walk. By their logic, they WOULD be ok with a strip search and cavity check as long as it's in the name of safety. Why walk? Because they're much more likely to die in a car accident than in an airplane blown up by terrorists.
  13. It's probably a contractor. Still, contact Direct and let them know the area and location.
  14. The scary part is so many people think the abuse of American Citizens and the molestation of small children by the hands of the TSA will prevent terrorists from plowing up planes.
  15. Again, I say if you are so scared to fly without you and your kids being violated and giving up your constitutional rights, just don't fly. Let free Americans fly without being molested.
  16. If you're that worried about it, I assume a cavity search would be the only thing to satisfy you that the kid isn't being used to carry anything. Anything short of that is just for show.
  17. I posted that video in another thread before I saw it here. I say if you are so scared to fly that you are willing for you and your kids to be violated and give up your constitutional rights, just don't fly. Let free Americans fly without being molested. "Mules" for what?
  18. Here's Alton Brown's recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/good-eats-roast-turkey-recipe/index.html
  19. I'm sure the TSA is open and honest all medical doctors and they all know everything there is to know about the 2 kinds of scanners and how much radiation they emmit. -or- Do your own research, see what experts are writing about and make your OWN decision.
  20. From the experiences others have posted elsewhere, they will do what they have to to make sure the person is really preggers and not hiding something. It's not always comfortable for the mom to be.
  21. Cancer surviving flight attendant forced to remove implant during pat-down Reader Story – 6 Year Old Aggressively Patted Down in Charlott TSA responds to complaints about kids being patted down at airports
  22. Profiling has worked successfully for Israel. Harassing and molesting 3 year olds and 80 year olds does not make anyone safer.
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