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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. [sarc] I say this will defiantly make everyone safer. Nobody needs to be using a phone when they're in a car, even if they're just a passenger. If there's an emergency, you can always stop the car and get out to make a 911 call. [/sarc] Now if they can eliminate mirrors so women won't be farding. . .
  2. It's also not right that strangers get to see our naked image and touch us in parts where don't want to be touched. I know - if we don't want to be touched, we don't have to fly. It still violates the constitution. Well, profiling works for Israel. We can just tell them if they don't want to be profiled, they don't have to fly. We need to spend less time harassing 3 year olds and 80 year olds in wheelchairs, and more time checking out those who are more likely to be terrorists. This still does nothing to prevent the food guy from sneaking a bomb on board.
  3. Tell me again why we can't use profiling as part of airport security?
  4. What's faulty? We're told we give up our constitutional rights to unreasonable search and seizure when we buy an airline ticket. We're also told it's unconstitutional to do racial profiling. Why don't Muslim men between the ages of 17 and 45 give up their rights not to be profiled when they buy an airline ticket? You are now trying to change the subject. If you were going through airport security and an agent 'accidentally' pulled your pants down and everybody started laughing, you'd be OK with it because it's just a 'bad apple?'
  5. Here are more that will be called lairs: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/travel/news/airport-staff-exposed-womans-breasts-laughed/storAirport pat-down was 'sexual assault' Airport staff 'exposed woman's breasts, laughed'
  6. Nobody seems to want to answer this - if we give up our constitutional right unreasonable search and seizure under the 4th amendment when we buy an airline ticket, why don't others give up their right not to be profiled?
  7. Not according to the reports I read, even one by a TSA agent. They don't automatically change gloves between travelers.
  8. If this is true, (and one article isn't going to convince me,) I guess they finally realized that catering to the minority is not the way to make money. Now, can they survive the death of dead tree news?
  9. If you go through this mess, remember it's your right to ask them to change their gloves before they search you. If you don't, they'll probably still be wearing the same gloves they've been wearing to check other passengers (including inside their waist bands), their junk, their shoes, their luggage, etc.
  10. As far as the TSA is concerned, once you enter the security line, they can do anything to you they want 'in the name of security'. If a memo comes down from the main office that they need to do random strip searches and you're selected, you're apparently would be obligated to strip.
  11. Where did you get that? Yes, a small percent use radio waves. Most still use X-ray, inclding machines they are still installing.
  12. As long as polls are open, they are fair game to be voted on. The PTB that run this board could easily take a few minutes and look for old polls and close them if they wanted to.
  13. I think most topics that haven't had activity in a certain amount of time - maybe one week - should automatically be closed. If someone wants to continue the discussion, they can create a new topic with a pointer back to the original.
  14. I looked at them a the time and they weren't that distorted, but the point isn't the quality, it is no matter what the TSA says, the devices can store the images if the user knows how to turn that capability on. As far as image quality, do a search for "TSA scanner images" and see what you get.
  15. What was the source for that photo? It looks like a doctored sample or something from the first generation machine. I hope you're aware the scanners show a lot more detail than that. Samples are available and easy to find.
  16. If we give up our constitutional rights to unreasonable search and seizure when we by an airline ticket, why can't we profile? Don't those more likely to be terrorists (Muslim males between the ages of 14-45) give up their rights not to be profiled whey they buy their tickets? Why are we wasting time searching all the 90 year old grandmothers and 4 year old children while we let those more likely to be terrorists pass through the traditional metal detectors?
  17. Make sure there is nothing in front of the box. Sometimes something will block the infrared receiver.
  18. If we give up our constitutional rights when we by an airline ticket, why can't we profile? Don't those more likely to be terrorists (Muslim males between the ages of 14-45) give up their rights not to be profiled whey they buy their tickets? Why waste time searching all the 90 year old grandmothers and 4 year old children while we let those more likely to be terrorists pass through the traditional metal detectors?
  19. Neal has been saying that the only qualification to be a TSA agent is a high school diploma or it's equivalent. He had a caller yesterday that said it's the same with police officers and military. Unfortunately, Bortz didn't bring up the fact that while a TSA agent gets only 40-60 hours of training, Military training begins with 6 weeks at boot camp, and police have to attend a police academy for months.
  20. If they are serious, there are many other areas they could bomb that would be more effective than on an aircraft. Just bringing the bomb into the airport security area and blowing it up during the busiest time as they pass through the checkpoint is one. Crowded stadiums, crowded shopping centers, crowded subway stations, city busses are others. We're lucky they haven't started down these paths. Israel had a problem with Islamic terrorists blowing up buses and only stopped them when they started handing bags of lard (pork fat) on them. Don't forget, Obama told everyone a few mont
  21. If you don't care, fine. Just don't complain about those that choose not to be subjected to the radiation. Make sure you leave early and wear loose pants. From what I read, it will be easier on you if you're pulled to naked x-ray and enhanced patdown.
  22. Even the pilots estimate of 20 minutes flying time was not denied by the TSA. The links are out there and easy to find. Most will discount any link I post anyway, so anyone interested in how much radiation they're being exposed to can do their own research. Let me add this for those who will be going through airport security in the next few weeks or months - see how many of the TSA agents operating these devices are wearing radiation dosimeters. These are simple badges worn by those working near devices that emit radiation to measure the actual doses the person is being exposed to
  23. Those who go through airport security in the next few weeks or months see how many of the TSA agents operating these devices are wearing radiation dosimeters. These are simple badges worn by those working near devices that emit radiation to measure the actual doses the person is being exposed to.
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