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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. If someone doesn't know it's a funeral, how can it be disrespectful to pass? Maybe the last car needs a big banner saying 'funeral procession' so those approaching from behind at the speed limit know what's going on. Without outwardly visible indications, unless someone sees the hearse, how are they to know it's a funeral procession? Lights and hazards don't count because a lot of cars have automatic lights, and hazards can mean any number of things.
  2. Was it really disrespect, or did y'all just look like a bunch of slow moving cars? Rear view mirror tags are great it you know to look for them and can see them. If you don't know to look for them, or can't read them, they may as well not be there. Unless it was a small procession, many drivers coming from side roads after the first few vehicles would have no way of knowing what was going on. Flags would be much better. They can easily be seen from outside the vehicle and it would be easy to see that all vehicles in the row have them.
  3. It sounds like they need to change how they answer the phone to "Benson's Grill formerly Rodney's" or something so they don't confuse or loose their customers.
  4. We just stared watching it a month or so ago and are catching up on the DVDs. I read about the Hodgkins somewhere, but did y'all know he also married his SISTER! http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_with_kristin/b78384_michael_c_hall_jennifer_carpenter_are.html
  5. It's been awhile, but I've asked a few times on these threads about getting a small stack of seasoned hickory to use in my smoker and have never gotten an answer. Anyone know of a source?
  6. My best Comcast story is when they came to my door to disconnect my service. We hadn't used their service for at least 7 years, and we didn't even have a line to the house.
  7. No thanks . . . I'll keep my data locally. The first question is what do you do if your internet connection goes down for even a few hours while you're trying to work on a big project and all your files/documents are stored in the 'cloud'? Also, I imagine this 'service' will come with an iron clad contract/license saying Google cannot be held responsible if your data is lost or stolen.
  8. After the lies were exposed in their emails a year ago, they have to do a lot more than restate their arguments.
  9. A player can't sit down one-on-one and negotiate the best deal he can with an owner without being forced to bring along all the baggage the union forces him to. The owners are being forced by the Unions to work together.
  10. There's also runaway malpractice suits adding to the costs. The one expense I haven't seen listed in this thread is malpractice insurance. That insurance can easily eat most of what the government pays in medicare/medicaid benefits. Over 20 years ago, I worked on a project that involved calculations of malpractice insurance rates for OB/GYNs. Even then, between 1/3rd and 1/2 of the doctor's fees for prenatal care and delivery went to pay for malpractice insurance.
  11. I've been asked how folks will know who I am. <----- Just look for that guy. He'll be selling wood crafts. Hope to see y'all at East Paulding High School sometime today!
  12. Just a reminder that the EPHS Craft Faire is today, Saturday Dec 4th from 9 am - 3 pm. Come shop for locally made holiday gifts and decorations before going to the Parade. If you come and identify yourself to me, I'll give you a free pin.
  13. Just wondering. Let us know how it turns out.
  14. On Firefox, I've gone through most of the skins, and none have the user name centered. It's to the left side of the posts like it's always been. On IE, the name is centered.
  15. Firefox, the second post of a topic is replaced with a banner ad. It still has the 'reply', 'multi quote', 'promote' and 'report' buttons. If you hit the reply, the original post is quoted.
  16. Be careful with that, some smaller places are converting the checks to a debit on the spot and handing the check back to you. BTW - I understand if it's a lost debit card. Then there are some people I've talked with who won't have one out of fear people would raid their account daily. Their hair dresser's son-in-law's cousin had one and was always needing help because couldn't keep the thieves away from their bank account.
  17. Good question, especially at a restaurant. The days of floating a check for a day or two are gone. They are posted electronically and can come through almost as fast as a debit.
  18. What is your dish mounted to? My experience is those who have problem with wind have their dish mounted on a pole or other flexible surface. Ours is mounted directly on the house and the only time we have any problem is with very heavy rain.
  19. Maybe they picked such a bad location that they can't even give tickets away, let alone sell them.
  20. Webster begs to differ with you: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/irregardless
  21. You wouldn't happen to know anyone who works for Comcast, would you?
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