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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Going back to the original question, how long it takes would depend on the make and model of the treadmill. While I haven't had to put together a treadmill, I've bought things that were nearly 100% individual parts that needed hours to assemble, and other things that needed a few things put in place and tightened down that took just a few minutes. Even similar items from different manufacturers can vary wildly on the amount of time it takes to assemble.
  2. In other words, you're giving the government an interest free loan. Instead, why not have less withheld from each paycheck and put it in the interest account right away. If you do have to pay additional taxes, take it from that money. Either way, you'd be further ahead. Anyway, I highly doubt that the people taking refund loans are doing so to invest it. Doesn't explain why folks are willing to pay the high fees just to get it a week or so sooner.
  3. Which simply means they're having too much money withheld from their paychecks.
  4. So you think it's a good thing. Great. You've been brainwashed with the best of them. I challenge you to go 10 minutes without creating any of these so called 'Green House' gasses.
  5. What sources did you use? My source (One is posted above) show that CO2 increase FOLLOWS temp increases. If that is true, many of the global warming climate change theories have been disproven. The scientists making a living off of grants, the press and liberal politicians refuse to acknowledge it.
  6. I'm not saying do away with the EPA. I say they're making decisions about CO2 based on science that has been dis proven.
  7. What if government funded scientists came out saying they had developed computer models proving that pound for pound, chicken is the worst meat as far as creating CO2? The scientists involved say the science is settled, the methods and data for the models were top secret, and that any naysayers should be relegated to the loony bin. They claim solution is to for the EPA to regulate chicken production, up to and including add $1.25 per pound fee to help 'clean up' the pollution they cause. The fee would be used to further the research of the scientists involved. The press and liberal progressive
  8. Look at it this way - they probably did more damage to their car than they did to your mailbox.
  9. Thanks for asking: http://paulding.com/forum/index.php?/topic/260884-i-think-ill-start-my-christmas-shopping-a-little-early-this-year/page__view__findpost__p__3346786
  10. I can't believe I'm back already! The stores weren't as bad as I expected. My usual Christmas shopping time - around late afternoon - is usually a lot more crowded.
  11. Thank You. Merry Christmas everyone!
  12. I think I'll start my Christmas shopping early this year. Before I go go the store, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
  13. Merry Christmas! to EB, WT, TP and everyone else!
  14. To all the postal delivery workers out there - Merry Christmas!
  15. I wish you a Merry Christmas! , I wish you a Merry Christmas! , I wish you a Merry Christmas! and a Happy New Year!
  16. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
  17. Let me say Merry Christmas! to all the pets out there!
  18. Christmas Shoes is indeed as sad song. Nonetheless, Merry Christmas! to each and every one of you!
  19. Merry Christmas! to Miley and everyone else! Merry Christmas! to Miley and everyone else!
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