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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Who says they're ashamed? Ancient Churches didn't label themselves with denominations. Not all Methodist/Baptist/ etc. churches are identical, and not all churches are associated with one of the big denominations. As long as they aren't hiding the fact that they're a church, I don't see it as a big deal.
  2. I believe when the First Lady steps away from being simply the President's wife and gets involved in active lobbying and rule making, she opens herself up the criticsms that go with politics. Laura Bush quietly promoting libraries and reading was a good example of how a First Lady should promote things. Michelle Obama's demands for laws and federal regulations enforcing her ideas of how to feed children is a good example of how not to do it, and opens her up to the criticism she gets.
  3. You're right, about few clicking the link. It seems some have decided that if it's not important enough for the OP to take a few seconds and give a meaningful title to a link, it's not important enough to click on. The main thing we find reading the posts here is that the 9-5 work day has, for the most part, always been a myth.
  4. A news story I heard last Friday said the last day to claim it was today (12/26) and the only lottery office open would be the one at the Atlanta Airport.
  5. My daughter is working the fitting rooms at the Dallas Highway Wal*Mart toinght. That means she's answering the phones. She called me a minute ago and asked that I post this - it seems the phone is ringing off the hook with folks asking when they close tonite. They're closing at 8:00 pm. If you need something last minute and it's before 8:00 when you're reading this, you need to forget the phone and get up there NOW! If it's after 8:00, forget the phone and resolve to be better prepared next year! Merry Christmas to all!
  6. You can't go by the cell number as a location for the business. Unlike land lines, the address can be one part of the local dialing area and the number in another.
  7. Had we completely left Germany and Japan with 5 years of the war, I believe the same thing would have happened there.
  8. If you can't do the hot peppers, try hot horseradish. Both will clear your sinuses. The difference is the heat from the peppers lasts a long time while the heat from the horseradish goes away quickly.
  9. Aren't the voice mails stored on the phone company's servers and not on the phone itself?
  10. For the Justice Department, filing charges is easy. Proving them in a court of law is an entirely different matter.
  11. Or people still looking but who don't report to the UI office because their benefits ran out.
  12. Better yet, how about if Pubby paid everyone who does work for P.com a 'living wage'.
  13. No. You work 24 hours per week for free in order to continue receiving the benefit your (former) employer paid for.
  14. I've seen businesses, including small business, run themselves into the ground because the owners only wanted good news and didn't want to hear anything they deemed as bad. Small business adding employees is good if they keep them past the holidays. Reading just the good part of the employment numbers basically ignores the fact that until all sectors increase, the small business will still be wanting for their most important asset - customers with cash in their pockets willing to spend it.
  15. My main point is, a bad unworkable bill becomes a bad, unworkable law if not challenged. A law that cuts peoples UI if they can't find volunteer work is bad law unless it provides a certain place they can go to find that work and addresses real life concerns such as child care and transportation costs.
  16. I added it up and realize I volunteer well over 100 hours/year myself. This is in a position that can't be done by strangers off the street. How many of the total hours you reported fall under that category - that can't be filled with just anyone who shows up? You want to force people to work for their UI benefits - fine. Do so by finding a realistic, workable solution, not a utopian idea that will cause more problems than it solves. The law as proposed is 24 hours per week - you're being silly by continuing to cut it. BTW - You never answered the homeless shelter question.
  17. I see it as a realistic spin, showing the REAL story. A false positive is worse than the truth. If P.com had 100 new - first time paying members for the month, would you also want to know that 120 didn't renew their membership, or would that just be bad news that should be ignored? -- Back to the story - I wonder if those 315,000 actually stopped looking, or they stopped reporting because their UI benefits ran out and they don't need to hassle with the dept of labor anymore.
  18. As stated earlier, there is a big difference between volunteering and being REQUIRED to perform community service.
  19. Again with the networking? How are 400,000 CS workers going to all be able to work with presidents of companies who are volunteering their time? Let's say you get lucky and the local homeless shelter can use you for your allotted 24 hours per week for as many weeks as you need. What attributes will you showcase and to whom? tell me how you are going to network in any form that will further your career?
  20. Your numbers don't add up. With over 400,000 unemployed, we need 9,600,000 hours each week. (400k * 24 hours) Your 219 Million hours covers about 23 weeks under the bill as proposed - less than the half required number. The other thing is your numbers total out to only 132 hours per person for the year - about 2.5 hours per week weeks of work under the bill. For this bill to work, the organizations will need to have positions where people can come every week and work 24 hours every week? Does HfH have that many houses to build? Who will pay for the overhead required? How many of
  21. You haven't scratched the surface. You provided 30,000 spots for a week or two, not the entire year unless you want to prove those 30,000 folks volunteered for the entire year. Even if you drop it to 16 hours you still need places for 6.4 MILLION CS hours per week. Try again.
  22. How many hours/week are involved in each of those organizations? You can't just count annual volunteers, you need to count volunteer hours. That means you need to come up with places for 9,600,000 community service hours every week. You haven't even scratched the surface of what would be needed. Try again.
  23. The folks who broke the law are monitored very closely while doing CS. There are few enough that this isn't a burden on the organizations they're serving. Here's a scenario I see happening from the other side. Imagine being a volunteer who helps run a nonprofit. The state decides, because you're a nonprofit, you need to do your part by providing a place for 3 people to do their 24 hours of CS every week. The problem is your nonprofit is seasonal, with most of the activity during just a few weeks every year. You don't have the time, resources or work to keep one person busy all year, l
  24. Good idea about the in-school thing. Some issues will need to be addressed such as what certifications will be required for someone to teach in schools? How about background checks? Who will cover the liability for when a kid injures themselves? The problem with the bill is still were will 400,000+ people find a place to serve 24 hours every week, and who will keep up with the paperwork.
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