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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. markdavd


    A liberal should be happy with how the AARP spends the money they send and the causes they support. A conservative has more than one alternative. Here are two: The Association of Mature American Citizens and American Seniors Association
  2. Does that video have the 'chest beating' and someone screaming "WHO AONTS TO BE A MILLION AIR?" on it? You clearly said that's what was going on, but neither was in the first video.
  3. These two statements in context tell us that you're planning on threatening someone with the hope that they will do bodily harm to you. BTW - if a man tries to start a fistfight with someone who's armed, he gets what he's asking for. -- Someone who knows TP in person needs to get him some help.
  4. What do you plan on doing to people that would cause someone to feel physically threatened enough that they need to kill you to protect themselves?
  5. 120 is a very long road if you include East Paulding. What Pizza place to you speak of?
  6. You do have a source for that quote, don't you?
  7. I do legal things every day and nobody knows and I have a clear conscience. As far as the 'or otherwise' part, no, I don't and wouldn't.
  8. Research the ghost tours before taking one. I understand they are not allowed into the residential areas after dark, so you end up at the end of street being told what you would see if they were allowed to take you down it.
  9. Even with the person added to the policy, if the insurance company found out the owner was renting it out, they probably have grounds to cancel the policy.
  10. TP, If that's what you hear, you need to have your ears checked.
  11. You know the Obama supporters are going to deny that there is even a possibility of that happening, then will blame everyone but Obama when it does.
  12. What does this have to do with the healthcare law?
  13. What does that have to do with anything?
  14. I remember when the President would land at Dobbins, then take Marine One to near wherever he was going. No rolling roadblocks needed, and minimal inconvenience to the public.
  15. You have a point there. I was thinking more of the folks who thought they were going to get a quick bite for lunch that were otherwise delayed because Obama didn't just send someone to pick up his meal. It sounds like he got his order 'to go' so the impact wasn't as bad as it could have been. It applies to any president who needlessly inconveniences the general public.
  16. Interesting: Google creates 'computer brain' - and it immediately starts watching cat videos on YouTube Is this one more step in the plans felines have to take over the world that I keep hearing about?
  17. I bet that messed up a lot of folks' lunch plans. I wonder if they confiscated everyone's forks: http://www.examiner.com/article/secret-service-confiscates-forks-at-obama-speech-to-latino-officials
  18. All TP needs to do is type 'someone else said' when he copies these quotes it and he won't be accused of plagiarism. As it is, it looks like he wants everyone else to think he wrote it.
  19. It's not about the copyright - it's you taking credit for someone else's work, claiming it as your own. That is theft and Jesus did talk about that.
  20. I can't believe you're equating TP with Jesus!!! Most of Jesus' quotes start with "It is written" or 'You have heard". (Even so, as God whenever Jesus quoted the OT he was quoting himself.)
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