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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. It's not much, but here's the web page: http://gastateparks.org/event/152227?c=4579984
  2. I caught the Mudd Incident reference also. I later found out there was a graphic novel published as a prequil to "Into Darkness" where Kirk has a run-in with Mudd's daughter, which is where they acquired the ship. In the first one movie, they referred to Admiral Archer in the present tense. I think he needs to make a cameo in the next film. Maybe a not so nice run-in with Scottie after what he did to his Beagle.
  3. Aren't they a distant cousin to the Oompa Loompa?
  4. The way they rebooted the series, with the new timeline was genius, they don't have to worry about continuity with the original series. I don't think we'll see this as a tv series because most of the main actors are doing other films, leaving little time for a series. -- I wonder if we'll see mention of a planet called 'Pandora' in the future as a nod to Zoe Saldana's character in Avatar. They won't be able to visit it, but maybe it's language will be one Uhura just can't pick up.
  5. First, make sure there isn't a 'rod run' or other car show scheduled when you go. Tens of thousands of people in cars in no hurry to get anywhere. We were there this past weekend and traffic was worse than 285 the day before thanksgiving. These events appear to span over 2 or more weekends. As far as food, the Old Mill was good but fairly pricy. We went up via interstate, then came back through the national forest. If you don't have reservations yet, compare the price of a cabin with the hotel. They were about the same price, and a private cabin is much nicer.
  6. I don't, but thought the more information about what you're looking for, the better. Information like what size windows are these for.
  7. What size? What style? (i.e. Slats or solid boards) Do you want them to be functional that actually close or just decorative? How many do you need?
  8. Did she know it was scheduled before the other event had been put on the calendar? On what date was the first execution scheduled? Was there a day's notice, a weeks, a months or more? How much notice was given?
  9. I agree he shouldn't have taken that long, but what you're saying is when one politician schedules an execution, every other politician involved needs to drop anything and everything previously scheduled, no matter what?
  10. I don't see in the article how far in advance the Sept 10 date was set. Was it a week, a month? How much notice was given. My question is - in your mind, what commitment would have been sufficient cause to delay the execution? What if it was a charity event rather than fundraiser? A relative's wedding? And I'm still upset over Zimmerman also. The trial proved there was not the first scrap of evidence sufficient to bring charges in the first place.
  11. The DNC list is no good for out of country callers. So what if they break the laws of this country - they're in another. Of course, instead of bombing Syria, maybe we can send a cruise missile or two to take out these call centers.
  12. Don't forget the Dallas Fine Art's craft show on Oct 12 in Downtown Dallas. It's smaller but should have a lot of good crafts!
  13. It needs updated, but you can see some of my things at http://www.markswoodcrafts.com
  14. Are the libraries open this Saturday?
  15. I seem to remember Sunday is a little slower.
  16. Dr. Phil is an entertainer and nothing more. He willingly gave up his license to practice psychology when Opera 'discovered' him and he found he could get paid more by being an entertainer. Despise is a strong word. I don't worship him like others seem to. I don't know if he lies or not. I do know that I personally prefer what Phil Robertson has to say over what Phil McGraw says.
  17. I have had books that I just couldn't finish. A related question -- Do you ever start watching a move on TV or DVD and not finish because it doesn't hold your interest?
  18. What do you mean books are good enough! - I ask what's wrong with scrolls?
  19. How much will these things cost? It's one thing to have these out in small, controlled numbers. Imagine thousands out there with the 'drivers' occupied with other things. What would I-75 or 285 look like during rush hour with just a few per mile running the speed limit, reacting at computer speed to every piece of trash in the road that comes into it's sensors. Unless ALL cars were controlled by software and linked together, rush hour would be chaos. Remember last year when the apple navigation came out and people were (almost) driving into lakes and off cliffs. Imagine if a computer
  20. Sept 7th & 8th. (It's always the weekend after Labor Day)
  21. Thank you. I hope SP finds someone to help him out.
  22. I'll be there this year, but won't have enough room for my things as it is.
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