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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I saw that a lot of celebrations were scheduled for the 3rd.
  2. The real question is what percentage of women in GA feel they won the fight and how many feel they lost.
  3. You could look at your actual usage instead of balance due and determine your overpayment starting with that amount.
  4. Are you talking about the lady who wore the pink running shoes and catheter?
  5. This is a case where good grammar would have helped the OP get his point across. But he wasn't careful. He said: "I'M SO CONSERVATIVE I WANT PAY FOR WATER" Does he mean: "I'M SO CONSERVATIVE I WANT TO PAY FOR WATER" -or- "I'M SO CONSERVATIVE I WANT WON'T PAY FOR WATER"
  6. There's a guy in my subdivision who can't wait until they decide marriage isn't just between two people. He has 3 women and one other man who want to 'marry' so they can be one family legally.
  7. She's being sued for discrimination, under oath, she's asked if she ever used the 'N-word' If she were to say no and during the trial they bring witnesses that say otherwise, it would hurt her defense. I'd say a smart move.
  8. Assuming you're on Greystone EMC, contact them and ask what it would take.
  9. Exactly. Teach them now, before they're faced with wanting/needing to notify others of a tragedy.
  10. Another problem I see is lack of education for our kids on how to handle something like this. It's not something generally covered in etiquette 101. In the past, the younger crowd were never put in a position of telling the public of someone's passing. (Unless they were asked to make phone calls.) That's changed with social media. With that in mind, how many have been taught that the immediate family needs to be notified before publishing a death to the world? If they've never been in that position, or never had explained to them, how would they know? Even adults didn't have t
  11. How many people first find out about the death of a friend or acquaintance in a newspaper obit? Or by reading the name on the marquee while driving by the funeral home?
  12. Would it have been any different if he phone had rung and someone gave her the same news? The way I see it is the way we communicate is constantly changing. 100 years ago, the newfangled/impersonal way would have been telegram. Prior to that, a hand written letter. I imagine there was a time where some folks thought getting bad news via telephone was in poor taste. At least with the social media, everyone has the opportunity to find out the details at the same time, rather than via the grapevine where the information may or may not be accurate after passing though the different levels
  13. If it would tell you if something is from a Geo. Soros related company, it might be worth getting.
  14. May I suggest not designating where the clothing goes? It takes a lot of resources to clean, sort, store, deliver and hand out clothing hundreds of miles away. Unless the charity has everything in place to do this, it puts them in a bind. In the past, I've heard of warehouses of clothing and other items that were donated that nobody on the other end wanted, maybe because there were more clothes than there were people to give them to. Also, because they were designated for certain 'victims', they couldn't be given to people in other areas of the country that were in need, and tax regu
  15. Please tell us what makes you believe Christians and Conservatives can't drive large vehicles, watch Nascar or hang out together?
  16. The trouble is, here on P.com, all we can tell about your personality is what you post. If you post nonsense, your personality comes across as nonsense. If you dwell on the same topic on and on and on like a 2 year old, your personality comes across as just that. If what you post reads like a drunken idiot wrote it . . .
  17. IIRC, he told us he had earned a certificate in marketing (i.e. he completed a few month long course.) That made him the P.com expert in the subject.
  18. I'm sure this made sense in your head, but as soon as it left that comfortable abode, it somehow became nonsense.
  19. If you have someone working with a backhoe or bulldozer, ask them to level the area you want to put the pool.
  20. There is a 40% chance of thunderstorms on Sunday. I think going camping pushes it up to 80%.
  21. I think I heard there's a virus going around that causes those symptoms. If you have access to another computer and are willing to try to fix it yourself, do a search using the words cant boot virus. There's plenty of help. If you want to just avoid the frustration, give Subby a call.
  22. The 'Tunnels' are not a joke.
  23. You will probably need to put the DSL modem into 'bridge' mode, then connect the router to it. How to do that differs by modem, but easy instructions can be usually be found by doing an internet search on your modem make and model.
  24. Basically, the N300 is twice as fast as the N150.
  25. Are you saying that until a second group decides to donate their own literature, the first group can't have theirs in the room? Does that mean if Pizza Hut and Dominos don't want to put ads in a hotel room, Papa John's can't either?
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