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Everything posted by RaceGirl

  1. She is the sweetest person. Her whole family is SUPER SWEET. I feel very blessed to have her as a dear dear friend. Oh, and I lover her wienies too.
  2. Okay - hmmm - now I feel goofy! Soooooooo - to the pcommer who bought a mattress from me during our moving sale, I'm sorry I forgot who you are! :lol:
  3. I thought I met you. Didn't you come to my house once? For a mattress?
  4. Well DANG! Nobody wants to meet RaceGirl. I guess my reputation precedes me! You are all wise to fear me!
  5. Mine is going. She and her best friend are soooo stoked. She has had her bag packed all week! I'm so nervous about it. I don't know her host family, and I'm sure they are great people (they would have to be to do this)but I have bad separation anxiety. I may have to do some covert surveillance this weekend. At least this is not as bad as RUSH - this time she will at least be in the same state.
  6. I agree. They were all so tame. Even Dwight said it was like being in Sunday School. I also think they blew it out of proportion about Kim "making out" with a stranger. It looked to me like they were just talking and he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Everyone acts like NeNe is the queen B and I can't stand her. No wonder she "wins" every argument, no one else gets a word in when she starts up. UUGGGGHHHHH And Kim's "performance" - HA! What a joke! Even though none of the housewives said it, you knew what they were thinking just by the looks on their faces.
  7. I wanna meet Me Who Else Somehow I think we would totally hit it off.
  8. Wow! I can't believe it, my rating is "neutral" Some of my "haters" must not have figured out that feature yet!
  9. I am both excited and saddened by this matchup. I won't be able to speak to my dear friend Sports Source for an entire weekend. She's a die hard Bama fan and I am an LSU supporter. No matter who wins, I will have to avoid her for a few days!
  10. So my $10 MacFarlane's certificate I got from Pubby at Paulding Meadows is no good now? Wow! That blows! I never would have bought all of those raffle tix without the MacFarlane's gc as incentive. I guess I should have just set that money on fire.
  11. Did ya get a glimpse of the bassett hound he married in January? I wanna smack her and send her out to hunt quail! I just thought of a couple more I need to add to my list. Steve Burton (Jason from GH) in a he can rescue me any time kinda way Josh Holloway (Sawyer from LOST) in an I'd love to be LOST on an island with him any day
  12. AHEM! Excuse me girlie - back up off of my man!
  13. Eric Clapton in an I know he's old but he's a rock genius kinda way Rickey Medlocke in an I can tell by the way he plays guitar he's a wild man kinda way Brody Jenner in an I don't know WTF kinda way Elliott Sadler in an I wanna drive his racecar way too fast kinda way Matthew MacConahey(sp) in an all around just friggin yummy kinda way
  14. Last I heard, Jalapeno Joe's was without a KJ. You may want to check there. Seems like I also heard that Las Palmas lost their KJ too. Good luck. Maybe you'll get a gig at a place that accepts children as patrons.
  15. That's GREAT Lisa!!!! I just recently finished up my phlebotomy certification. Now I'm back in school to add Medical Assisting/Coding/Billing to my resume. It's hard to go back to school at my age, but so far I have a 4.0 I was hoping it would pay off pretty quickly after I graduate, so your story gives me renewed faith that it will. YOU GO GIRL!!!!!! Where ya gonna be working at?
  16. Well, around here, much like last year, the gift giving will likely be minimal. Our family has suffered the fall out of the housing market crash and bad economy as well. Thankfully, the only child we have is just smart enough to point out to us that she doesn't need gifts because (in her words) "It's not like Christmas is her birthday" Lucky for me, I have been paying (in small amounts incrementally) for our Skynyrd Cruise in January so that will be our big "splurge"
  17. RaceHubby saw it today. He said it appeared to be in the Rose's store area.
  18. Narda Konchel has it listed for $275,000 Wayne Turner owns it. It is a Heartland Home which is basically brought in in sections and assembled onsite. I have been in it and it is nice on the inside, but I don't know if he is still selling it fully furnished or not.
  19. That's EXACTLY who I was going to suggest! Great minds.......
  20. Well, I hate that the Falcons lost, but I'm glad they didn't just "lay down" and give the game to the Saints. They made them earn it. It was a far cry from the "massacre" or "slaughter" some of the sports news guys predicted. One thing is for sure, if they don't get Jenkins some damn sticky tape for his gloves........ AAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! If I was Matt Ryan, I'd be damned if I would EVER throw the ball to him again!
  21. I know you have mine put back with all of my other goodies. BTW - it may help move them if you had a pic of my man Brett wearing a pair. Just saying........
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