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Everything posted by GGinGA

  1. Any news on arrangement for the rest of the family? I would think they would all be together as far as viewing and burial.
  2. I do the same thing as Bunnybutt: strap my purse in the cart like a kid. It probably won't prevent someone who really wants that purse from getting it but it might slow them down a little. Not sure why everyone thinks the Hiram Wal-Mart is worse than any other store in town. I go there every week and don't feel scared or worried when I'm there. Same with the mall in Douglasville, I don't see what the big deal is. Maybe it's because I work in downtown Atlanta.
  3. That's my husband's favorite since childhood. My least favorite: Baby's First Christmas. Favorite: Mary Did You Know.
  4. We just moved from Comcast to AT&T Uverse. We are saving almost $130 a month. So far, no problems.
  5. It sounds like you had the best time!!! I'm happy for you and I'm glad they were nice to you and everyone there. On a side note, why do you present yourself as an "old man" on here? You look much younger than me (I'm 51). You don't look like you are even 40 yet!!!!
  6. I like chocolate when it is mixed with peanuts, peanut butter or covering pretzels. Otherwise, I can take it or leave it. I do like dark chocolate candy bars like Milky Way Midnight. My mom was a chocolate freak and convinced herself when she was sick that chocolate helped her body heal from cancer. it made her happy so we went along with it.
  7. We have the fridge on top and freezer on bottom. We have had this one for 11 years. We don't use ice so we didn't even buy the ice maker that went with it and it doesn't have the ice/water thing on the front of it. When this one goes out, I will get another one like it but in black. The one I have now is white and all my other appliances are black and it looks hokey.
  8. It looks like all of the green onion stuck together in a clump. I would have stirred it around and ate it anyway.
  9. That's what I was thinking when Blondie said she had to have an actual prescription in hand. That sounds a lot easier to fake than one called in by a doctor's office. Weird.
  10. Didn't he write Helter Skelter about the Manson murders?
  11. GGinGA


    Praying for both for you.
  12. That sounds so good!! I'm printing this and trying it out in the next week or so!
  13. I am cooking at home again. I prefer it and so does my family. We HAVE to have turkey left over for tetrazzini (sp?) duh!
  14. GGinGA


    I don't know you in real life but I've always liked you on this site. You are honest and take no crap from people. The only time you've ever pissed me off a little was when you said you were giving up Aerosmith. Signed, Steven Tyler's mom. Seriously good luck to you. It sounds like you don't even take crap from cancer! Good for you!!!!!!
  15. There was a robbery in Dallas at the gas station close to the elem. school. Don't remember when but this year sometime. The clerk got shot in the neck but was OK.
  16. The AJC said the store clerk was shot in the neck and 3 suspects are on the run. The article said the clerk tried to fight them off with a chair (?!). Sounds like the clerk that got shot in the neck at the robbery earlier this year in Dallas. I was going to post a link to the article but I suck and it didn't work.
  17. I didn't see any overhead/bay doors in the back of the building. I wonder how they will get their merchandise delivered.
  18. Doug and his guys have done almost everything in our house. Hardwood, tile floors, installing new decks and doors in the house. We are looking to have our master bath re-done and he will be the one to do it. We like the fact that he starts early in the morning and works all day. He is a very nice guy, as well. I highly recommend his work.
  19. She looks a lot like a young Carrie Fisher in the picture on the right. In fact, that's who I thought it was when I saw the picture on MSN.
  20. Her face looks longer now. I've never really thought she was pretty - squinty eyes and puffy cheeks. My husband thinks she's a doll!
  21. Me, too! Mine used to make me throw up but I started getting regular chiropractic adjustments and that has stopped. I still get minor headaches but nothing like I used to have. Also, I know what triggers the bad headaches: chocolate, banana, wine and peanuts. Thankfully, peanut butter doesn't trigger a migraine for me. I also use an ice pack, Tylenol and a dark quiet room to help. Once I start back on the pills the next week, everything is fine again.
  22. I was at Home Depot when I broke my wrist and it did me no good. They told me it was a customer service issue and not a liability issue. In other words, not their fault.
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