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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. We use pesticide on the yard especially at the wood line. I have heard of spraying vinegar on the shoes, socks and lower pants to prevent the tick from jumping on them. Generally you brush past them when walking by ankle to knee high vegetation. They live in leaf litter for the most part. They climb up vegetation on warm days to catch a ride on a passing animal. Some people have adverse reactions to many of the pesticides you spray on, especially people that have contracted Lyme already. When I shower after being outside I use loofah gloves all over to hopefully scrape off nymphs i
  2. The CDC usually tracks the cases and makes the decision that it is endemic in your area or state. It is not mandatory for doctors to report cases in this state. If you don't make it mandatory, then you don't have the problem. If you don't have a problem there is no need to frighten the public with education. When I lived in CT the commercials came on the tv several times a day because people were really sick from lack of diagnosis and early treatment.This was the issue in Virginia for many years. The govenor finally took over the issue by declaring it an epidemic in that state. It is just
  3. Thanks for posting this Lucky. This is Lyme awareness month. I am already annoying my FB friends with post about it. I know that you and I have both contracted Lyme disease in our back yards. That means for you and I we are hyper vigilant the animals in the vicinity of our homes carry the disease and it is spreading. I tell everyone to educate themselves about this disease. Only about 50% of people are aware they have been bitten by a tick. The picture below clearly demonstrates just how tiny a nymph is. Many times they are brushed of by clothing or in the shower unseen. Only about 5
  4. The person responsible for that no longer works for Teddy.
  5. I have in ground vinyl. Our first liiner lasted 7 years. We were told by 2 or 3 companies that long term they cost the same. Gunite needs repairs about the same amount and cost as vinyl. I liked the idea of changing colors with a new liner. The only thing I would suggest it to have as little of your plumbing under concrete as possible. We had to cut sidewalkk to find a leak where a pipe did not get glued and worked lose. Think about heating. our nights generally get cool here, down to 60 many nights. The water can stay uncomfortably chilly right up to July and start dropping in late August
  6. I think it is the win at any cost mentality that is currently acceptable, because as we all lnow the sky is falling. They believe their constituents will accept any behavior that gets them into office because the American people are so scared. They are right, people will vote for someone no matter the lack of integrity to get someone of their chosen party in office.
  7. The sun is coming out here so I don't know if it is still on.
  8. LPPT

    Dear Pubby

    I wanted it to stand alone. It is hard to stand aside and see Pat accused of things that are not true based on his political views. He is a strong debater and many confuse that with him being a harsh person. If anything it is the opposite. I have sat by and watched his integrity questioned many times. Most of the time by folks who's own integrity is questionable. I was not going to let this pass without comment. He is in a political race, there are many that would have used it for political gain. Publishing it would have certainly backfired on him. Still it leaves the ques
  9. Thank you thank you thank you! I have not followed the common core issue at all. I was afraid I was going to be the only one to say that this is how I do math in my head without paper on hand.
  10. LPPT

    Dear Pubby

    Your entitled to your opinion about me, pubby and my post. Pubby has more close friends than you think. They understood the post and understood the remarks thrown at him that he is dishonest and blatantly unfair because of his political views. If those labels don't fit you then don't get offended. I have to wonder why the attack on me? You say basically you know all, I have to wonder if you are one of those disappointed at the lack of publication of the little gift. Nice of you to drop by and start posting again, you have been missed.
  11. LPPT

    Dear Pubby

    About a month ago someone handed you a gift. I gift they may have handed you the elected seat that you are seeking. Instead of jumping all over it in your ambition, you shared it with your closest and most loyal, knowing that we could keep a confidence. You welcomed our reactions and advice. Most of the people in this county believe that no matter what great things in this county come from your site and (the many things you do that are not public) would never vote for you because you are a declared democrat. They choose to believe that because of your political beliefs
  12. Yep, everyone I know that saw it said that dog won't hunt here. If it is false we have a very, very serious issue in this county. That goes way too far.
  13. Olive tree in Downtown Hiram. I know they will do buffet style for large parties.
  14. I have a belief that the human race is meant to evolve. Such as coming from a family that revenge and vindictiveness is expected. I have also seen people that treat acquaintances and neighbors better than family members. This goes for society as well, some are progressive and would like to see a kinder and gentler society. We have come a long way from jungle law. It is interesting that I find many of the most successful and sophisticated prescribing to jungle law. As long as we reward and protect those subscribing to jungle law we will never be able to control it at the low
  15. My heart breaks for you. It hurts to lose a pet especially the little ones that sit by our side day and night. They give us unconditional love. We pay the ultimate price for it, when that day comes we must sacrifice our need for them to be by us and make the decision that today is the day. I pray that your heart is healing.
  16. Your presentation was so engaging I doubt people took notice of the bald spot. You are always willing to educate anyone about economic development. You don't have to be a public official to sit and talk with you. I am glad to see that most of the candidates have sat down and spoken to you about economic development. I am also noting the ones that have not. You made a very good distinction between economic development and many of the public concerns with the IBA and PCAA. The organizations do not make choices to spend tax dollars explicitly on your recommendations. Your
  17. After I posted this I thought about the flats being off the ground and just how cool they probably already are so I turned it on. I didn't want to take chances with the mandevilla I got a very good price on.
  18. They have raised beds so we pick the weeds and yack.
  19. We should pick some up and head over to Melissa and Thad's for lunch one day when it is pretty outside.
  20. Most of my seedlings have just popped out of the dirt. Should I turn the heater on now with it in the low forties of wait until it hits the 30's? I also have some tropical plants I bought in there.
  21. I know how you feel it is like one of your children going into surgery. Difference is you would stay with your child until the procedure and be there when they get out.
  22. You just keep taking the easy road and I will take the hard one. You are regurgitating spin. The only original thought or statement you have shared is your agreement with spinners. Would you like me to share the back porch talk about the president while we are sharing? See I am a white, middle class, middle aged women, a lot of folks assume this little lady thinks just like they do. I have been made privy to many disgusting comments about the current administration. I truly understand the issues, and the little lady does not need any help from the scared white men to know that
  23. I love their food! Fresh.! and cooked like mom's. I don't care what it is served on. the money goes to fresh vegetables and hard working people that know how to cook and truly serve!! Some folks love to eat at the corporate food trough, that's fine, but don't be tryin to kill the individual business owner going above and beyond. Maybe some folks just don't like food without the plastic aftertaste from being reheated in the microwave from the production plant. I can't believe you are trashing these people. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
  24. Click click! your so wonderful and right, I clicked through to your wonderful website. Will you be my friend and tell me what to think from now on. I would beever so grateful so I would not have to use my own brain to form an opinion!
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