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Everything posted by LPPT

  1. I took the time to read the remarks at the bottom, it would seem that some folks are unhappy with the new regime and are claiming all sorts of things are going to be written into the constitution. I can only imagine what other countries think when they hear that our president is going to use social medicine to create death squads. It would seem that unreliable journalism is a universal thing as is the power to self publish on the internet. Their is no basis in truth for this, even under Islamic laws according to the remarks under the post. What is apparent to me though is the underlying
  2. I just cleaned my closets, I have more winter than summer stuff, will you take it now or do you prefer I wait until fall to bring it to you?
  3. LPPT

    Hi everybody!

    Hi Ang. You were one of the first people to respond to me way back when and make me comfy. That ID has been retired for many years, but I will always remember you for that
  4. I'm here! Surfing my face again Stuffing! Dang auto correct
  5. You have me watching the clock and drooling again!!
  6. LPPT


    We don't want it boring around here
  7. LPPT


    I am on my way and you are in big trouble, psst I can tell by the spelling who this is
  8. LPPT


    While the cat is away the mice can play. Just what kind of mischeif can we get into? Any siggestions?
  9. LPPT

    Please vote

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWwQDgWOu3I&feature=youtu.be Vote here I really enjoyed the song, so I set up a link to make it easy. We have to support the hometown talent!
  10. That is an interesting question actually, who makes the categories and who decides which words go in what categories. Is there a national list somewhere that lawyers and LE use. Growing up the word damn was considered a curse word. I was surprised to find out that my son's private school considered the word butt to be obscene. I don't think he could put up a poster of a completely nude women up there.
  11. Racism was not much of a topic in my home because it was not practiced, my children had friends from all walks of life and nationalities. One of my daughters was shocked when I told her I would prefer she not date a black boy. I explained the cultural issues of living in the deep south, since they were raised in Conn. the first part of their lives. I explained that it was a hard row to hoe and if you didn't date outside your race there would be little or no chance of you having to face the challenges that come from it. I did have to ask some of my relatives to not talk like that in front
  12. Reading this story and comparing it to the Zimmerman mess, I see a common theme that needs to be addressed through the law and some additional training to law enforcement all over the country. We have read thousands of stories over the years of people that would be alive if they had been armed and able to protect themselves. There is no way that you don't feel angry when you read victims stories. I know that law enforcement is also frustrated trying to control crime, they can't be every where. I believe that guns should be for personal protection, and you have every right to shoot peo
  13. I keep thinking something about the armed forces must have changed over the years. Being a military wife you watched your P's and Q's about everything including what you said about the upper ranks period. I was shocked over the pictures that were posted by the marine. The military is about discipline, your not paid to express your opinions or publicize your experiences during war. These guys should know better, and it says a lot about discipline in the ranks that we are seeing these things publicized so frequently. They know better and they have known it since boot camp. These are
  14. When we get the payment we put a note in your signature that the mods can Identify, Let me call Pubby and get it done. We sell so few of those we never created and identifier for it. Hold on.
  15. Oh my, I didn't even notice it until just now, I thought was another thread about the signs in front of the school. I hear tell he use to spread his ignorant vile opinions on here. Like of said before racist don't deserve the attention they get from media or regular people, Haters gonna hate no matter what.
  16. The article says her husband was black, I think she was just plain off her rocker. Kind of like the lady that drowned her kids out of the blue a few years ago.
  17. LPPT

    Magic Show

    Dinner at Sals yum!
  18. LPPT

    Magic Show

    On my way to watch the incredible Joe Turner!
  19. You need to research more about ultrasound before you decide to go to an ultrasound studio for embryo portraits. Ultrasounds are a medical procedure and do carry risk, all of which are not yet known. They do know that autism in 3rd world countries is rising at about the same rate as the availability of ultrsound. I would be very reserved in the use of it until more studies are done on the relationship between birth defects and the excessive use of ultrasound. Good OB's limit the number of ultra sounds and the duration.
  20. I never blame the troll, I like to think a newby has discovered them while exploring the site
  21. I thought it could be modified for a reveal cake, I love those little feet, they look so real you could kiss them. Someone is a very good artist at that bakery.
  22. I have been on p.com too long, now I just chuckle and shake my head
  23. I like this one from Flour Child bakery.
  24. This article reflects some of the things I have been thinking about the last couple of weeks. Especially with my subdivisions issues with the new Dollar Store. I know I chimed in with I would have rather seen a neighborhood Pub and I was actually very serious about the matter. We like to separate business and residential here. Everyone is upset about the amount of traffic going up and more on the way. We really don't think about walking to places and the arrival at that destination being social. When they first built the park up here then the new store, I thought to myself that both t
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