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Everything posted by joemturner

  1. Sadly, the definition of marriage has already proven quite malleable. ~Sigh.~
  2. We made a last minute plan to share Thanksgiving dinner with another family from our church. They're coming over Thursday. We're having traditional food - turkey, dressing, ham, greenbean casserole, rolls, a 7-layer salad, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and chocolate-pecan pies, and football.
  3. That would be "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" by Paul Simon, I think. Lyrics here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTiyLuZOs1A
  4. Personally, I thought they would come get them if you switched seeing as how they're charging rental for them each month! I'd call directv and ask them whether they want them back badly enough to come get them before you toss them.
  5. I saw it on FB and knew it would be loved here.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgbNymZ7vqY&feature=player_embedded
  7. KingTux - please call me. I own a couple of tuxes but I have a gig coming up where I'd like to rent something different. 404 644 6791
  8. It certainly raises a lot of questions about "mercy killing" and removing feeding tubes, etc. I can't imagine... what a shocking story. It is a miracle that the man didn't go insane.
  9. You're telling me! I better get the check before the gig, huh?
  10. Most unique gig of the year: I just got off the phone with a guy who has booked me to help him surprise his girlfriend. He wants me to make the ring magically appear while they're out to dinner together in a few weeks. $500 for my trouble! Merry Christmas! Can't give any more detail because of the 1 in a million chance she might see this message... but wow!
  11. My observation -- now -- is that I certainly didn't come on here and tell anyone how wrong, insulting, or otherwise substandard they were for *not* wanting to propose in the way I did. But there is quite a bit of undisguised scorn used in describing how sexist, insulting or outmoded the practice is in the eyes of the "more enlightened." It's interesting. That's all.
  12. For those who asked privately: 28 in hexadecimal (base-16) is 40 in our normal decimal notation. 8 in the 1's place = 8 2 in the 16's place = 32 Total = 40 But being back in my 20s is kind of nice!
  13. Maybe before any of you go telling my wife how insulted she ought to be by my decision to seek the blessing of her father on the day that I proposed to her, you might check with her and see how insulted she actually felt.
  14. I should have been more clear. I was in a trade exchange... a formal barter system that was (and is) open across a variety of businesses. You bring your goods or services to the exchange and you get paid in "trade dollars" that go to your account in the exchange. Then you can use those "trade dollars" for other goods or services in the exchange. This means you can accumulate benefits from the goods/services you bartered and not have to trade them at that moment, but can 'bank' them for future use. You have to declare your trade dollars as income in a barter/trade exchange system.
  15. Hey, hexadecimal was already there. I didn't invent it - I'm just using it! Only ten more years until I have to start behaving like an adult, right?
  16. I hope every believer on pcom is lifting this family up in a complete immersion of prayer for the next hour or so.
  17. Yes, today's the big day. My family and some friends are going to dinner at Texas Roadhouse in Hiram around 6:30pm. If you're planning to eat out tonight, feel free to stop by the table and say hello - I'd love to meet you! JMT
  18. I agree -- private exchanges are a different thing. I was speaking of a formal barter exchange.
  19. So sorry to hear this. Knowing what I know of tbar, I am confident that he has shared his heart with his dad and that they are where they need to be in relationship with each other and with Jesus Christ. I know it's hard to see a separation as just an intermission, though... very painful. Prayers from New Hope for you and your family, tbar!
  20. Bartered goods and services are taxable. I've been a member of a barter exchange group for several years. You barter in "trade dollars" and that goes into an account in your name. You can then use those trade dollars for other services and goods within the exchange. You are taxed on that income. Or at least I was, because I declared the income. I can't speak for those who may have broken the rules.
  21. Fuzzybits the Lapdancing Clown is ready for his first kiddie birthday party after being released from prison.
  22. COSTELLO CALLS TO BUY A COMPUTER FROM ABBOTT ABBOTT: Super Duper computer store. Can I help you? COSTELLO: Thanks I'm setting up an office in my den and I'm thinking about buying a computer. ABBOTT: Mac? COSTELLO: No, the name's Lou. ABBOTT: Your computer? COSTELLO: I don't own a computer. I want to buy one. ABBOTT: Mac? COSTELLO: I told you, my name's Lou! ABBOTT: What about Windows? COSTELLO: Why? Will it get stuffy in here? ABBOTT: Do you want a computer with Windows? COSTELLO: I don't know. What will I see when I look at the windows? A
  23. We had a Stretch Armstrong and some green monster that did the same thing. Ultimately punctured one of them and saw that goopy fluid inside. Yuck.
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