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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. :rofl: I just spewed outta my nose.
  2. I don't have any recommendations about housing...but I spent a week working in the Gulf Islands National Seashore.... Fort Pickens is cool!! You and your hubby need to go to Aunt Jenny's in Ocean Springs http://www.coastseafood.com/jennys.html
  3. Aww I didn't see you in this thread!!
  4. If I'm not mistaking something happened right before the last debate......I think he was sick, or family member was sick...it was something. He just didn't say....pfft the heck with you...I'm not debating. Hell...call him. He's always at the funeral home. I have spoken with him MANY times. So, before you believe anything on here....do the foot work yourself
  5. Another thing...the budget will be the same for Jeff as coroner as it is for Sam...and vice versa... I'd like to know HOW you plan on saving money? Do you plan on cutting the coroners budget? What I do see is people making comments on who to vote for because they will have a job with the coroners office now.
  6. there is a term in criminal justice........it's called just deserts. That jackbag got what was coming to him. One thing you should remember is just because someone is castrated don't mean their desire to molest is gone. It just means they can't actually use their organ to do it. They can still make video's and touch the kids.... Kidnap them...and the list goes on and on.
  7. Call Guy at Hi-Tech transmissions. He is the best around.....HANDS down. My bf just had his rebuilt there..and his truck is a 4x4. I think it was only $1700. don't quote me on that.
  8. Even if Jeff wins... he still has to hire the same type of people. The deputy and chief coroner. He will still have to pay an ambulance fee OR start one himself. If people think that one is going to SLASH the budget of the coroner and change stuff up... your right...it will now go into their pockets. It's all a game... I'm glad to see all these people willing to transport these bodies for free...Hell gas is $3.30 a gallon
  9. They can't teach what they don't have. If I would have been arrested.... my mom would have done me worse than Creflo did to his little snot.
  10. Hate that I missed it....but my buddy was there with Xtreme Fitness... I really hope people took advantage of the specials he was giving out...
  11. ^^ What Pinches said......... I went to 6 Flags over Texas as a kid......many many times!! LOVED it. I was disappointed when we moved here. I was so excited I would be living not far from 6 Flags.....
  12. When mine was found it was 425 by my doctor and he didn't admit me. The number she is suppose to be in the range of is between 90-100. If she is around 70 that means your sugar is falling. If mine gets that low I need to eat something or I feel like CRAAAAP. Good luck and Publix has FREE Metformin and so far...Wal-Mart is the cheapest for the pills that I take. I have insurance for prescriptions but I don't use it at WM because it's cheaper without it. I pay around $10-$12 for a 90 day supply.
  13. Nixle lied...... the wrecker JUST pulled up and NOW the road is closed!
  14. So... the million dollar question is.......... where does he REALLY live?
  15. Nope. Cars are still being let around.
  16. LR... you are more than welcome to come over... Heck if you was trying to get to yo momma's... you'd have to sit a spell wif me today WTF happened to the post from Concerned....... guess he wasn't to concerned
  17. Mysterious........if you are such great friends with him...where does he live? I'm not being a smartass..I'm just asking because I know everyone is wanting to know. All my friends know where I live....
  18. This truck is a Shaffer Trucking rig. I think I deserve a Mayberry for all this reporting.
  19. No kids with this guy... nobody is hurt either
  20. The dang wreckers aren't here yet to upright this sucker....it's gonna be a long night
  21. Not sure either...but I was on Nebo..and he wasn't in front of me. No skid marks on any side of the road that I saw
  22. How do you miss that 4 way stop? Because of this JACKBAG they will probably install those damn rumble strips now. Many people have missed the new stop. HOW they miss it..is beyond me. Drivers don't pay attention.
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