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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. No I couldn't make it without money.......... and that dude is one weird MoFo!
  2. Nah...if they are such big Braves fans.....like the DBF...... then you would almost kill someone over the stupid Braves.... Go Cubs!
  3. Me too girly..... Me too.... I even post about it on Facebook!
  4. its raining at Macland and PS Road...... well......it was when I left publix about 30 minutes ago
  5. I agree Shan.. this is a great opportunity for her to show you that she's growing up...and all of your great mommy skills have paid off! I will say a prayer for you.... because I think you will need it more than her.
  6. Amazed.......they are worried. The ones who thought they it was going to be a breeze getting re-elected.. didn't and he lost by OVER 4,000 votes.. SO... if you don't think the others are worried.... you are sadly mistaken.
  7. Jerry Amazed...... You are damn right we are PISSED about this freakin courthouse/Taj Mahal/Palace We have that right....... I pay taxes in this screwed up county. We paid a LOT for this crap hole of a courthouse. I thank God we got that SOB out of office. And all the others that are commissioners.......better wake up and be prepared for the same outcome that happened to KingJS. All the one's who voted to spend this much money on this should be shaking and be knowing full well that they could possibly NOT be returning. (when we could have gotten the same or close to the same as Co
  8. what about us who don't have kids and pay for an education for others kids.......should I get to decide on what school could get my voucher?
  9. Sadie...everyone is taking Furloughs......... I work as an engineer for a MAJOR engineering firm.... they are requesting we take all of our PTO time and take up to 30 days furlough in 6 months. I'm sure if it comes down to teachers having to take a furlough.... everyone else in State G'ment will be taking them also... I would be willing to bet money that the teachers will be the last ones that have to. Teachers know the pay. Before you started college or even after...people was telling you that the pay stinks and that you must be in it because you LOVE kids and want to teach and have a pa
  10. I'm feeling kinda mixed about this...... I pay taxes and don't even have kids. Or will never have them. So, I pay A LOT of money a year in taxes to schools that I don't need/use. The company that I work for is having furloughs........ and some have taken the days... I may have to or could even possibly be laid off in the near future. So... this is where I'm having mixed feelings............. everyone is having to make sacrifices right now....why would teachers be any different? If other state workers are having to do it.... I really think teachers should be to. I would rather the Police
  11. Amazing Photoshop work in the CK ad also....
  12. she looks like a transvestite......... not like theirs anything wrong wif being one.... just not my cup of tea
  13. YaY...... I just posted in GEAgirl's thead?
  14. I hope they are better than those Jolly Rancher drinks that Kroger had not to long ago
  15. Melrose is where we always stay. edit... we usually rent a seaside cottage. Very nice..... Golf is great there....very tropical feeling.
  16. Have you looked into several of the apt homes in and around Dallas.... I know they are income qualify..... When I tried to get one several years ago.... I made WAYYYY to much money edit...... what area are you looking for her to be in? There is a basement apt on Nebo that is for rent. This place is located near Hwy 61 on Nebo.... it's almost right across the street from where the old 'rodeo' / horse place use to be.
  17. Its 45 miles 1 way from my house to the office...... What was I thinking....... I got a house that I owe more than it's worth..... my taxes for the same house is just as high in Cobb with more perks......
  18. I'm wondering if most of the people who 'love it' are stay at home parents/wives who don't have to work. The drive to a good paying job from South Paulding is horrible.
  19. I swear I think my mom is typing through all of y'all......... everything y'all suggesting.......has been done to me!
  20. Try Cracker Barrel also...... My dbf is from Germany and he has several also....they are made all over.
  21. Oh lawd.... We do a 'money' tree at Christmas..... and the dbf's mom had the money tree last year. It was her turn to fill it up with Lotto tickets and give it to the guy's name she drew........ well.... she mixed some of these in with the real tickets..... The look on his face and him standing up hooping and hollaring saying "I'm rich, biotch" shaking that lotto ticket around for everyone to see....... The look on his face as we all was dying laughing and his wife having to tell him that it was fake....... the color washed out of his face........
  22. I agree Feelip..... if I had a 'redo' button...... I wouldn't have never bought out here.... I would have stayed in Cobb.
  23. ^^^ :rofl: Have a great time. I have went and it's a blast........it's gonna be HOT HOT HOT!! You should be able to fry an egg on the sidewalk...... The DBF lived there 20 years and would go back in a heartbeat!
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