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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. And $20 bills are 'loaded' with cocaine......dirty money http://www.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/08/14/cocai...iref=newssearch
  2. You're right... I'm not fond of her.......but you don't see me talking crap about her. Just because someone is worried about her don't give you the right to come in here and hijack their 'concern' about her thread!
  3. I might get a bullet for this....but as long as we keep feeding the jackass it will continue to eat. If it's not fed...it will wander somewhere else..............
  4. Yep...he said he wants to be part of his daughters life and to give Baby's Momma his info and also let her hear the entire phone call....just don't put his voice on the radio....cuz he's private like that.
  5. Glad your son won........but Starr's Nana is more than correct on this
  6. I would be...depends on the times... I have a job that I MUST keep
  7. Where are all the newspaper sellers. I just drove all of hiram??
  8. CYB... I'm pretty smart... I don't care what those shrinks say
  9. No CYB I haven't ...but my parents did. WAFL... I think she was trying to point out that many people who are commenting are not Native American Indians...and that their ancestors could have possibly came here illegally also. But hey...that's MY take on the comment...and I have been known to be wrong..
  10. I'm not... my family came from Ireland and stood in line at Ellis Island
  11. WAFL... I understand your comments...I really do. The company I work for is having everyone use all of their PTO/Vacation time now. Then the furloughs start........... we must take 30 days in 6 months.... So...I wouldn't be griping one bit if they told us that we only had 3 days for 190 days....
  12. But as a teacher... This is a tax deduction. Just like paying $90 a month for parking is part if my job. This post is not about what teachers spend ... But what the cost are for families who are unemployed or only have one parent working. I don't have kids.... So me just buying school supplies for the heck of it because they are on sale never crosses my mind. iPhone in use...sorry for typos
  13. Oh...I forget that you know me too.... It's not about doing this for someone else... this is really about the prices and expense of having kids in school. I really feel sorry for the parents that have to buy this stuff....... Well I'm out for the rest of the evening....got more school supplies to buy........
  14. Gah! what's wrong with people? Okay so we have another pregnant pcommer...
  15. special needs children Raider Football tonight I'm not making this up...and I'm not making fun of the special needs chill'rens!
  16. gaheart.......... You know me personally and know that I did it for the chill'rens. I'm still laughing at the wish list of a digital camera....... I didn't have to buy any hand sanitizer or tissue......... what's up with that..... do 8th graders just use their sleeve in Paulding County? Oh hijack my own thread....... guess what gaheart....... it's quitting time for me over at my home office..................
  17. They can WISH for a Digital Camera in ONE HAND..........and ...............in the other and see which they get first!
  18. Flash drive down....... $7 at Microcenter
  19. The 1" binders are a buck......... but those 3" suckers are $8! I should scan the reciept but I don't have it with me.... I have graph paper here at work... it has our company logo on it and it's made into a notepad type notebook..........wonder if that will work I was really shocked. It made me feel sorry for the parents. Especially in the tough times today.
  20. *advisory* Please understand that I volunteered to do this for someone. I'm NOT complaining about buying this. I don't want any type of special...nothing. I did this to help someone out that is in need. I don't want them to feel bad about me spending my money on this. I don't have kids....and this is another eye opening experience for me. *End advisory* STORY......... I decided to help someone out with school supplies in need. They have a son in the 8th grade. I didn't buy the most expensive 3" - 3 ring binders. I didn't buy the Eco-Friendly pencils! I didn't
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