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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. This sux! I can't / couldn't see the damn picture. Work has all streaming internet block...........
  2. Zoo is da I IGF!!!!! they both are pretty awesome!
  3. 2 cups of vinegar in the wash cycle and 1 cup in the rinse cycle
  4. What do you need as far as school supplies...... I don't have kids.......so I enjoy doing this. PM me a list and I'll get it.
  5. Is that the one with the semi- perm yard sale? Sorry for typos....iPhone in use
  6. You can also come on here and talk about them if they are NOT a CM on here. Case in point....... CVS........ Yea, I know, The NAME of the non-commerce member can't be in the title out on the main board........but you CAN say whatever you like about them because they are N-CM's here. Wal-Mart.....Target......El Pollo Loco........ this list could go on and on....... It's not about protecting businesses......it's about protecting PUBBY'S business
  7. Looks like The Ghost of Girlfriends Past.............
  8. Congrats girly!!! I know your lil man will be excited. I'm sure things will go better. If you need anything....... just call!
  9. You need to try Somewhere in Time.... Tina Howell owns the shop and she is a super lady. I know she can help you out.
  10. I tried to win..... I'm not a big RT fan..... I would have donated the package.....
  11. OMG....... I heard that~!!!!! That is soooo cool!! She said you was probably listening and yelling in your car!!
  12. Yeah...I get your point........ I don't take crap from anybody....... male or female! Most of 'em are scarrrred to work with me. They know I won't put up with any crap from them... Our little group meshes really well together...... we all do really get along great!
  13. Kelly, I work in a field with all men......Civil Engineering. I've had to push and shove my way to get at an even level as them. I did it with repect and hard work. I didn't have to act like a bitch just to get to where I am...I'm treated equally with the others I work with. I do work with other female engineers who are bitches! EVERYONE........including me hate to work with them. They act like you owe them something. They are the worst to work with.... I refuse to work with other women engineers because they look down their nose and have a "higher than the almighty" attutude about them.
  14. This is another way that insurance fraud is happening. I had someone fill prescriptions under my name at this same location. All for meds I don't take. Two of them was for narcotics. (Lorcet & Vicotin)
  15. We all know Bill don't wear the pants.....they are always down to his ankles......
  16. I LOVE mine!!! When I get back from VaCay.... I'm getting more of these!! They work GREAT!! 2 thumbs Up~
  17. WoW........ to know you have to have something other than a degree.....and that stuff is useless unless you have at STATE cert.... wow
  18. I have friend that is my age......and he has been called to Jury Duty 3 times..... Twice in Cobb........and just now in Douglas. I'm 36 and have never been called.........
  19. Wonder if your college degree is any good.......any more
  20. I do know of a UPS store that I WILL be using in the future!!! Thank you for serving your country and having the same beliefs that I have!!
  21. I haven't had any personal dealing with them...but I know several who have. They bought the house next door to me and a friend of mines Mom house who passed away. They manage SEVERAL around the New Georgia area that I personally know of. Any events for our Youth group.........they always sponsor.
  22. Have you tried COG Management? They are on Nebo Road at Hwy 61.
  23. I think this lady who owned this house USE to work for the state in some kind of capacity.........she lost her job........ and the house was forclosed on......Nobody was living there. Moving trucks had been there moving them out. There was a truck there earlier this week and had some stuff in the bed of it....but I do know that nobody was living there.
  24. She knows by now that you have been looking for her and that you are frantic. Her friends parents are talking....and it's getting back to her. Good Luck.... I just can imagine what my mom would have done to me........I seen her do it to my sister.....
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