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Everything posted by ThornwoodMom

  1. My prayers are with Jason's family and fellow Marines. May God be with your every step.
  2. Quit licking me in the face danggit! ...And thank you God for a good night's sleep, my prayers were heard!!! yay!!!
  3. I am so sorry. Prayers for you and the rest of the family. R.I.P., Mr. Hurley.
  4. He is just the nicest person! I had a huge problem with my desktop this week, I was so frustrated that I told him I would pay him anything, just please come over and fix it! He said no, no, you can do this! And he told me what to do...and he was right of course. He could have taken me to the cleaners on this deal, but he was so patient and nice even when I was about to pull my hair out. Mike, I owe ya! If there is anything I can do to return the favor, please let me know! You want me to send my boys over to shovel snow?
  5. no after school activities in paulding today.
  6. When we were teenagers, my brother's girlfriend was driving, he was riding shotgun and I was in the backseat, He threw his Sundrop bottle out the window. She drove a little way then pulled over. We're looking at her like wha...? She says to him, "You're not putting your nasty hands on me again till you go back and pick up that bottle!" He says, "Ok, so just back up, I'll get it." She just sat there giving him the stink eye. So he got out and started walking. We sat there laughing our butts off till he got back with the bottle. Haha, the things we do for love. I haven't seen him throw anything
  7. I think it is dance classes and such that do that. It does look like fun.
  8. I'm sorry. My prayers are with him, and you.
  9. I am just so, so sorry. I have been reading about Shannon so long I feel like I know you both, and I'm so sorry. Said prayers for you all. God bless...
  10. I have put about 150K on my '02 Tahoe-it is by far the best vehicle I have ever owned. It's getting to be a bit of a gas hog in its old age, though, prob needs a tune up. It has been great for travel, driving carpool, ect. plenty of room as the kids have gotten a lot bigger.
  11. Please keep the kids at McClure in your prayers as well, there is a lot of heartache among them over Tre's death and the way it happened. I hope that they catch the person responsible for this, I think it will help some. I feel helpless on how to help a child this age (14) to deal with the violent death of a good friend. If anyone has some tips on how I can help as a mom please pm me. Thank you. RIP Tre. My prayers are with the family and friends.
  12. I wish it could have been put off, too, but it was getting around the school by text messages, along with the false information and all.
  13. Tre played football for McClure this past season. The football players were called in to the gym and given the news this morning. Tre went to McClure until very recently. He was loved by all who knew him. The 8th grade class and the football team are heartbroken over his loss.
  14. Works for me! LOL Yea, it had the hook-looking thing instead of the flatbed. But I didn't get a good look at the paint and all. I'll try to if I hear it again. 1st time was the night the weather got bad last week (Friday morning about 2:30.) Then again one night this week but can't remember which night.
  15. If I see then again I'll try to get a closer look.Things like this make me uneasy, like they are casing the neighborhoods for an easy target. It's good that you showed them that you are paying attention, even in the middle of the night. I think I'll do the same next time. They stopped in front of my neighbor's house for a long time, then left. Two guys in a loud wrecker.
  16. Weird. We've been seeing a wrecker driving around the sub. real slow in the middle of the night, too. Off Dallas-Acworth Hwy.
  17. Not according to the email I got. So was the boy still with her? When she was begging for money on 278? That is disturbing if he has left her by herself with nothing. I had kind of thought some of his family was probably taking care of them. Why else would they (his family) not be putting his name and info out there, too, unless they know where he is. I hope she gets home soon.
  18. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  19. Aww how cute. Glad to see mom and babies are all doing fine.
  20. I always "get" you! Wish I could pack up every single one of ya'll and fly ya to Minnesota or Wisconsin for a couple of weeks. I know, it's not the same.
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