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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. I have received several emails and messages on here and FB from people wanting this shirt. It is unique and GREAT QUALITY. These sell at Arbor mall for $19.99 - and the store that has them is closing tomorrow. I haven't shopped for them so I'm not sure where else they are or the price. But, I know they are more than my price of $16.00!!
  2. Sounds YUMMMMMY!!!! It will be interestimg to see who won the bet! Need to tell Lil' Bro' to bring back the scrumptious and authentic Seafood Gumbo!!!!
  3. GREAT LOOKING and UNIQUE Collectible Shirt for the favorite player of the Atlanta Braves, Chipper Jones. LITERALLY JUST AVAILABLE ON THE RETAIL MARKET - Be the 1st to own it!!Available in sizes Small, Medium. Large and XL. After an 18 year career with the Braves Chipper will retire after this season. This shirt is made by SMACK. On the front of the navy blue shirt features "Thanks, Chipper" against a light blue image of a baseball player in action. Underneath is the SMACK logo. Across the back is: *THANKS FOR ALL THE GREAT YEARS OF* PASSION & LOYALTY ALONG WITH THE C
  4. BLESS YOUR HEART! Like others I cannot even allow my mind to go there - I cannot imagine the void and heartache of losing a child. My DD was born in 1980 and I can NOT begin to imagine live without her!!! God says He will never give us more than we can handle and His promise is He will NEVER forsake us. May He give you Comfort and Peace during this difficult time. You, your husband and family will be in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))
  5. LOLOLOLOLOL I know what you mean.....I am always afraid to ask, too. I meet SOOO many ppl I am not always sure where I met someone or who they are. BTW, you looked fine to me today.
  6. YES!!!! That was SOOOOO funny! Sorry, I didn't recognize you. I did think I saw another p.commer in Kroger, tho??
  7. GREAT IDEA!!! I voted for #1 because of being so colorful. I also love the one LPPT posted.
  8. RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or the tunnels whichever you are closest to.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS to your son and to you, Proud Mom!! You have every right to brag and his hard work is admirable. I hope he gets a job soon and enjoys every minute of his career. I recently read something that is true for every teacher I know: "I don't teach for the income, I teach for the outcome." GOOD LUCK to him!!!
  10. I am not sure about a place on 61 but it made me think of the "rock" former BBQ place on 92. A beautiful building and I don't recall the price but I remember thinking when I heard what they were asking for it a few years ago that it was OUTRAGEOUS!!! But, last time we drove past this place it was being used by a church. Maybe the owners are letting them use it free (or rent for cheap) for a tax write-off?? I can't imagine a church being able to afford to buy the building. Hope we can remember to get some ribs Saturday before they sell out!!
  11. I have thought the same thing many times over the years. I sure do miss the humor of Lewis Grizzard!!! We could use it these days.
  12. Would you be able to find out when they plan to set up again or what their schedule is??? We would like to give it a try. LOVE good BBQ ribs. We met a couple (just started up a conversation about Alabama football. LOL) in the parking lot yesterday and they asked if we'd ever eaten at the BBQ place where Bear Bryant would eat. OF COURSE we have - Dreamland in Tuscaloosa, AL. Nothing but a SHACK and the ONLY thing on the menu was BBQ ribs, loaf bread and sweet tea. But, the BEST ribs I've ever eaten. The ribs at the "new" Dreamland are good but I nothing like the ones at the OLD shack!!!
  13. I remember VERY well. My mother had family in Gary, Indiana right outside Chicago. We would go on a 2 week vacation every summer and in 1967 we spent part of that time visiting those relatives. The murders had happened the summer before but it was still the buzz!! I bought a paperback book about the story and was mesermized. I couldn't believe those nurses waited one by one for him to get them and take them in the other room to kill them. I was also amazed at the courage of the one student that crawled under the bed to save her life. I cannot imagine the horror and what she suffered emotio
  14. TOO CUTE~Buddy has great harmony!!!
  15. "THERE IS NO REALITY IN REALITY TV" is my motto I have said for years. Anyone who believes the votes determine the outcome on Idol are living in a fantasy world. The very first contract those given a golden ticket at the Dome (or any other initial audition) says in black and white "The producers have the right to determine the outcome of the competition." AND THEY DO!!! IMO Colton should have NEVER been on Idol to begin with. He did NOT go to the auditions as a contestant. He went to support his sister yet the Judges made him come into the room and basically forced him to audition. Sendin
  16. We tend to eat later, too but your post brought back memories of my sweet Momma, LPPT. She always ate around 5PM and EVERY night she would have a bowl of corn flakes before bedtime. If she had a banana she would slice it on top. When we went to Germany to visit a cousin Momma packed her a box of corn flakes and when we got there my cousin had a box waiting for her. That prime rib is a GREAT deal and being at Rodney's it HAS to be AWESOME!!
  17. Do you make the mango salsa? If so I would LOVE the recipe, please.
  18. We have those nights every so often. YUMMMMMM
  19. DH is grilling boneless chicken breast - some marinated with lemon pepper and some seasoned with Memphis rub. Grilling tomatoes, squash, onions and mushrooms. Mased taters and garlic bread. YUMMMM.
  20. The Blooper is one of the few things I have not tried at The Dugout. I keep saying I am going to but then always end up getting the dry/crisy lemon pepper wings or chef salad. I have ordered both so many times David automatically knows how I want both without my saying. The Blooper WILL win out soon, I am sure!! The Dugout/David & Elizabeth: It's good to know you are going back to your original hours. Keep up the good work and TASTY food!!!
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