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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. THANK YOU Pubby for providing the accurate and informative account of the incident. Hoping the case is resolved with arrests soon.
  2. RAIDER MOM - STILL trying to get in touch with you PULEEEZZZZZZ???????
  3. Gonna have to keep that in mind for lunch or dinner next Wednesday. We LOVE Mushroon 'n Swiss burgers. Plus you know DH is already a HUGE fan of your burgers.
  4. I have never watched the show but my page was full of comments of those who do. A good friend of DS was in the show but it was his last episode because he was killed last night.
  5. I have a lot of respect for Tim Tebow and enjoyed the run the end of the season when he pulled some wins out at the last minute. But, for an overall QB I LOVE Peyton!!! (Not to mention it is good for business and Broncos merchandise will be very popular.)
  6. We aren't fans of corned beef and think in our 22+ yrs of marriage I've cooked it twice. BUT......I DO miss Frank and the Hiram Kroger. So many nice people/employees we saw on a weekly basis and enjoyed the smaller store. The one at Hwy. 278/Nathan Dean is just TOOOOOO busy with TOOOOOO many customers walking all over each other. We also miss seeing Jim in the pharmacy the majority of the time.
  7. I look forward to trying them when they come to Hiram. Thanks for the clarification.
  8. I have to agree re: the veggies. NOT somewhere I would go if I were wanting good home cooked vegetables. But, DH and I do go every so often for the fried chicken and of course eat vegetables with it. They have great fried chicken!!! I didn't realize she was open on Saturday's since I'm never out that way on Sat. But, it is good to know for future reference. THANKS! I've never been to the one in Villa Rica but that is one thing that Hiram does need rather than more hamburger or Mexican places.
  9. Because of his surgery today one of Doug's customers had sent dinner for tonight: chicken kabobs with red, yellow & green peppers, fresh pineapple, okra,tomatoes and onions. Red potatoes and green beans. We have several desserts from Gabrielle's to choose from. Decisions, decisions. LOL!
  10. THANK YOU for the good thoughts and prayers!! The surgery was a success although there was more damage than expected. It was repaired and now on to the road to recovery. The chair with the machine to move his arm quit working after about an nour. (He is to stay in it 4-6 hrs/day) He also has a cooling machine. It has been a LONG day since we left at 5:30AM. Hoping for a restful night. THANKS AGAIN!!!!
  11. It used to be Simple Gospel located behind Baby Jane's restaurant but the name has changed. Do they still have the food pantry??? I need a number if possible as a friend wants to drop off some food there. TIA.
  12. DH will FINALLY have his rotator cuff surgery tomorrow at 8AM at St. Joseph's in Atlanta. It has been an uphill battle jumping through hoops with Worker's Comp since the injury August 3, 2011. BUT.....tomorrow will be the beginning of healing. If you have a minute in your busy day to say a prayer or send good thoughts our way we GREATLY appreciate it. We will be leaving about 5:30 in the morning and it will come early. So....Good Night and THANK YOU.
  13. SOOOOO sorry to hear about your friend and I will be praying for a full recovery. You are so right about taking for granted what we have/can do. After my 2nd stroke within a week in 2008 I was having a pitty party when a lifelong friend came to visit. She said to me, "there are a LOT of people on this hall who would give ANY THING to be right where you are now. You can walk, talk and wipe your own a$$". I have NEVER forgotten those words. I made up my mind right then and there to focus on what I CAN do and what I CAN see and not what I can NOT do or I can NOT see. I can see my laptop that
  14. With a degree in Psychology and Sociology I understand the definitions, what is depression and what is treatable. However, I will agree to disagree as far as this case. Again, I will agree to disagree.
  15. I am glad to read everyone is on the same page with this one. I was surprised with the "MENTALLY ILL" tacked on to "GUILTY". I know I shouldn't be - especially after no Justice for Caylee Anthony. Our Justice System is SO screwed up!!!! RIDICULOUS - Hemy is no more insane/mentally ill than I AM. But, then again maybe MY sanity is questionable??? As far as Andrea she was as involved as Hemy - except SHE put the gun in HIS hand and had him do her dirty work. How else would she know he had been shot when she testified she didn't know what happened until she got to the ER. YET she was tel
  16. We are going to be adventurous tonight and get 10 wings AND one of those scrumptious looking club sandwiches - sharing both.
  17. THANKS!!!! That is good to know. A friend recommended their mayo and said her family loves it. I've been wanting to try it but the only mayo my family likes is Hellman's. But, it has gotten SOOOOO expensive. I will be a lot more likely to try it knowing I can return it if we are not satisfied. I wouldn't expect a refund and a replacement, but it would be nice to be able to return it for a refund. We still have not been to the one in Hiram yet but will definitely go often once the newness and huge crowds die down a bit. We have shopped the one in Acworth and am happy to have one so conveni
  18. DH said "Tell David I can tell it is baseball season. That burger tonight was a HOME RUN!!" (Don't ya just love his analogy????)
  19. GREAT wings, burgers, chef salads, club sandwiches, fried pickle spears and the list goes on and on and on!!! It's funny because I would never think of it being beside Tractor Supply. LOL.
  20. LR they are located on the corner of Graystone Drive as if you were going to pay your power bill. Right on the corner as you turn, on the left. Used to be Smoothie Joe's or something like that? GREAT FOOD at REASONABLE prices!! I think they plan to do the Bikes & Burgers every Tuesday night - at least for awhile. You need to check it out.
  21. The oldest DGD has a softball game (Like Mother/Like Daughter~enjoying the 2nd generation of All-Stars in the family.) So dinner will be The Dugout afterward: Burger Special for DH Chef Salad for me YUMMMMMM!!!
  22. The eldest DGD has a softball game this evening so guess what's for dinner???? Just gotta figure out the timing and the only question is: before or after her game at 7:15???
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