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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Many shools in AL are already closed or closing and getting the kids home. Fort Payne and Cleburne County are two I know of and I am sure there are many more.
  2. Watching CNN now - live coverage following a signficant tornado in Holland, Indiana!! God give protection to ALL!
  3. I see the "protect us" in your statement to ALSO include the rights of gay citizens of this great country as well as the rights of the heterosexual pupulation. Same for ALL regardless of sexual orientation!!!
  4. IMHO Idol has run it's course and it is time to close down shop. They keep saying the talent is the strongest they have ever had this season (of course they ALWAYS say that every year) but I am not hearing it. Very disappointed in the talent pool and after this week's performances I'm not sure I'll watch the rest of the season. The Voice on the other hand is a completely different beast. The untalented were culled out long ago and we didn't have to suffer through the stupid auditions of horrible untalented folks like Idol. I adore all the Judges on The Voice and they are class acts who kno
  5. That is the next thing to be changed in the military and elsewhere - Equal benefits for EVERYONE!
  6. We ARE going to come try the Prime Rib SOON. I love nothing more than a rare+ slice of tasty prime rib. Y'all are killing me, tho. How can I decide between my typical ribeye steak tomorrow night or the rib special you posted for Saturday night???? You KNOW I do not like having to make decisions!?!?!?!? DITTO
  7. YUMMMMMMM.....this can be the menu next time you cook for me, Mark. Although I don't think it can beat the lasagna and garlic/herb bread.
  8. THANKS, Scarlet! Yes, NYC is a bit further than Myrtle Beach or Orlando where he has lived but hopefully there will be some good airline wars! I have not been to NYC since I was a child so I look forward to visiting him. Yes, I am feeling much better, Thanks for asking.
  9. The Dugout $.40 WINGS Fries Texas Toast Dry & Crispy Lemon Pepper for me, Regular Mild for DH Hoping the kids will be going with us but who knows what kind they will want???
  10. YES they are and since being in the hospital last Thursday I missed getting my "fix". Planning on being there tonight with the family.
  11. OMGOSH - TOOOOOO FUNNY but yes that IS my boy!!!!! Always expressing himself through music. I LOVE IT!! I will tell Wade about this and he will get a kick out of it. Of course he won't know you as "Rylans Mommey 01". Thank you so much for the chuckle!! THANK YOU ALL for your kind comments, words of encouragement and Congratulations. Wade is moving home today - ONE MORE TIME - :rofl: In preparation for "THE move" in June. If anyone knows of a job available for a few months PLEASE let me know!!!! He NEEDS to find a job to save up money for the move!! He is also available t
  12. GORGEOUS ~ THANKS FOR SHARING!!! It is indeed a beautiful day outside.
  13. Gotcha. So it is either/or but not both. I will definitely be trying it. I have about 15 medications I take daily. But, hey, they keep me here!! THANKS!!
  14. So how does it work if you have insurance? Does it pay toward the co-pay? Sorry, my questions might have been answered in the link. I will be looking into it tomorrow. I have insurance right now but the co-pays really add up with as many maintence prescriptions as I am on. More were added during my hospital stay last week. Also, the possibility of DH losing his insurance after his upcoming surgery is scary!!!
  16. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE KIND COMMENTS AND SUPPORT!! Many of you have known Wade and been along for the ride since this journey began 11 years ago. THANKS AGAIN!
  17. OH WOW......I am SOOOOOO SORRY this happened to you. I hope the scum bags are caught and punished. Just because you have it does NOT mean they are entitled to it. Good luck and I hope the insurance process goes smooth and moves quicker than expected.
  18. I have known this for a couple of weeks and have been busting a gut to scream it from the mountain tops, but......I was instructed to let him announce it. (imagine that??? LOL) Anyway, this was Wade's post on his FB page last night........ I was writing a blog to announce this but it was taking to long and I was also anxious to tell everyone! I have been accepted to the American Musical Dramatic Academy in New York City! I will be taking a two year musical theater integrated program. I will be leaving June 25th and classes begin July 1st. I will be staying on campus my first year and will
  19. CONGRATS on a good report!! I know seeing your little Princess gave you a sigh of relief. I couldn't help but laugh when reading this and think "my how times have changed." I had an ultrasound when pregnant with my daughter and the "boy" was healthy. Thankfully the healthy part was right, BUT????? They got "that" part wrong, so I sure couldn't begin to tell who in the family she looked like. Of course she is 31 now.
  20. OHHHHH I didn't think of the Lazy Donkey but then again I was trying to think of places in Paulding. LAZY DONKEY = YUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!
  21. It is funny reading all the opinions and how they vary. Many boast and recomment La Bamba and/or Huey Luey's. Someone would have to pay me (AND PAY ME WELL) to go back to either place. Once was MORE tha enough.
  22. If I am not mistaken of all the items mentioned above the ipad is the ONLY one with a screen larger than 7". Correct???
  23. THANK YOU Bruce! Any time this week will be fine. Just give me a call 770-310-4459 but I should be here. THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH for the good thoughts, wishes and prayers!!!! Yes, it was very scary, Sugail. Add the symptoms to my bp being 200/124 PLUS all my other medical issues/history it was VERY scary! Glad you are doing okay with it now. THANKS Rookie, it's been a GREAT birthday!!!
  24. I have read the thread started by Mrs. Jack Russell and am in tears. THANK YOU ALL - my p.com family - I REALLY appreciate all the sweet and kind words, the thoughts and most of all the prayers!!!!! I knew y'all would have my back and help me recover from a distance. This was quite an experience and I am Thankful and Grateful to finally be home and surrounded by my sweet furbabies!!! Wednesday AM I was extremely dizzy with the room spinning very fast. I have never been so dizzy in my life!! I also had a blood pressure of 200/124. It stayed high in the ER and they wanted me in ICU because
  25. What a sweet and heart-warming story! It does help rekindle belief in mankind. Craigslist has gotten a lot of bad press but there are good people on there, too. I truly believe God sends us Angels in the most unexpected ways when we need them the most. Sounds like this gentleman was definitely these kids Angel. I have no doubt this gentleman has a wonderful satisfied feeling for helping them out, too.
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