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Everything posted by nschur

  1. As long as it was not "the bush" that they cut.
  2. I'm not so sure about that. I have had 2 dealings with depreciated value the last few years. Progressive sent us a check on their own when my wife was hit. Like $400 for some scratches on her bumper of a new Tahoe. I got a check from Allstate back in 2005 when I ran into the back of a suburban. My first wreck since the late 80's. They just sent them, I did not have to ask. I had to call and ask why they sent the check though. As far as I know now it is state law that they do this.
  3. As for being an individual plan and a sociatal plan goes... You get the world's largest WELL DUH AWARD!!! ever. Is that not what we are comparing and contrasting? Sheesh!!! Maybe in your own little mind. But considering that you refuse to do anything other than say I'm wrong without providing any supporting details, I'l just go ahead and say you are full of sheeze. So again... umless you have something relevant and substantial to add the I say KEEP YOUR SORRY BUTT out of my topics. Mods... Oh help me please... I'm afraid for my life... Zoo keeps stalking me in my own top
  4. You can tout the diffeences all you want. I have already said SS has a safety net aspect that Private does not. Take it away or add Life and disability insurance to private. They then become fo all intents and purposes the same with the exception of funding. That is the whole issue here. SS is pay as you go requiring some poor working slob to pay for your existance because you paid for someone elses who in turn paid for another. That first group of retirees and those on disability get the best return from the system. And for the exact same money an individual can have the safetynet purchased f
  5. Even with the last crash the ROI was still 6.85% not far from my proposed 10%
  6. Here you go ZooPoo. This is what the CATO institute has to say about this http://www.cato.org/pubs/pas/PA692.pdf
  7. I have always understood that legit pension funds that become insolvent get turned over to a Federally run agency tht then pays the pensions. The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. http://www.pbgc.gov/ Were your pension plans not sent there? I realize that you only get a partial payment instead of a full payment.
  8. You are missing the whole point of the topic. This program, while started with good intentions, is for all intents a real LOOSER. As a nation we want to take care of those that have needs that this program addressed in the beginning. But those needs are now much better addressed on an individual basis. The same amount of money that is put in on my behalf will be utilized in a private investment fund. Add into that life and disability insurance and you get everything that SS provides at much better rates and with much higher ROI. Again. We need to switch but we still need to provide for tho
  9. There are some sprays that will not harm ornamental shrubs while killing weeds and such. Sorry I can't be more specific about them. You could cut them to the root and spray the new growth with brush be gone when you first see the new growth. That would kill the root. I see that as an alternative but risky. However spraying growth under shrubs does not GENERALLY have ill effects. Good luck.
  10. No you didn't. You said they were different and I was wrong. That does not mean Sheeze. You want to make a constuctive contribution to this thread? Explain how they are different in your own words. That is short of the differences I already laid out. Other than that stay out of my topic. Mods... Ohh Help... She is stalking me in my topic. I am afraid of what this person might do to me. Please quit following me... Help me please some help.
  11. Told You she would not answer. So just take your sorry @$$ out of my topic unless you have something real and constructive to post.
  12. And I have already summarized the main differences in what you get out of them. So once again Zoopoo... if you take away that safety net part of SS then WHAT is the difference? Oh that's right.... NOTHING other than how they are collected, disbursed and the ROI that a person gets com their monetary investment. Again, please point out the differences as YOU ZOO seem them. I already pointed them out foes not mean squat. Here is a link does not either. Because someone else said so is just stupid. I want to have your ZOO's explanation in your response to this post. But something tels me you w
  13. I must have missed the part where I said getting a retirement payment BEFORE you are old. Both SS and private plans are set up for POST RETIREMENT not before or early.
  14. You are going into your own little world ranting on about things never said in here. Where did anyone say anything that might possibly be construed as "you have no right to a job" ? Please take my quotes line by line and show me where I said that. Show me where I left the current recipiants out the cold with no info. Show me where I failed to address the transitional workers. show me where I left the decision as to wheter or not workers get to do this all on their own. Show me where I failed to address thos people that were disabled or died. In Short you can not. You are one of those who
  15. She may be doing her taxes wrong but self employed people still have to pay SS and they have to pay the employer's share as well. It is THEIR CHOICE AS WELL AS THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITY. The is still nothing different between what I posted above and her contributions one way or another.
  16. Who is "HE"? If by HE you mean me then you have not followed anything I posted. 1. I do not wnat that money in my paycheck for me to spend any way that I want. 2. I would be dancing in the street (as would most sensible people)if the governenment came out and said to me (even at age 46) You will not get any Social Security payments from the Feds when you retire... But, we will mandate that the same amount of funds from you and your employer go directly from your paycheck into a personal retirement account set aside just for you. 3. Knowing that my money is now not going to be
  17. Compare and contrast please. I say the main goal of both is to provide income post retirement. Prove me wrong. And saying I am wrong does not prove squat. Neither does saying Posen says so. We are waiting, but I do not expect that you will actually provide any legit insight. I'm sorry you thought that last comment was "childish" Where oh where could I possibly have picked that up? Hmmmmm
  18. 401k vs SS Hmmmmm... I invest my own money (and maybe my employer will match part) of my own free will in a 401k so I can save money, experience the wonders of compound interest and have money set aside for me after I retire. And I may use it how and when I see fit. And it will be there after I die for my family. With SS My money is forcibly taken from me and my employer is also forced to contribute the same amount into a government fund that will hopefully someday provide me with some sort of post retirement income. I can only get a small payment everymonth with no flexibility. If I die the
  19. They are the same. The only difference is the part where SS provides death / disability within the plan where I and every other sane adult by life and disability insurance to go with our savings plans. So Now what are the differences? Hmmm.
  20. I'm not comparing risk. I am comparing what 1 retirement investment plan will yield you in retirement compared to another. You said yourself the numbers ARE correct. That means it is just a matter of following the chosen investment plan. It really is that simple. SS is already failing and provides little in the way of actual workable retirement. The 401 k plan MIGHT fail if you have a horrendous multidecade long economic collapse but yields 10X the ROI as SS. So when was the last time that we say decades long investment crash. And anyone with half a brain in their head realizes that this type
  21. And I never sid we let those currently in the system go it alone. We as a nation made a commitment that WE need to honor. My arguement is that everyone knows the system sucks and there will likely be even more reductions to payouts down the road. But no one is willing to honestly discuss what we need to do. as soon as they do they get the same as what you just gave me. "What about the seniors who can't save" "what about ...fill in the blank". They are all JUST LIKE YOU. Acknowledge the problem and submit yourself to an honest real discussion about how to fix it. But too many are just like you.
  22. So there is nothing keeping me from saving for retirement on my own right? Let me ask you this then LPPT. If I am already being FORCED yo give 7.65% of my gross wages as is my employer. Then you want me yo do it all over again because the first time is basically me paying for someone else knowing NOONE will do that for me later. So you think my employer will just give another 7.65%? Doubtful. So I will be paying 15.3% just to get the benefits of 7.65% with no employer matching. That. Is naive at best. It will cost me double and with only half the ROI that I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN. SS is a joke!!
  23. Ok the spiffy charts will not post. So these are the input variables Income $36K My cont 6% Employer 6% Term 37 years Return on Investment 10% Balance $1,677,538.68 Read more: How much money can I save in my 401(k) plan? http://www.bankrate....x#ixzz1xEV43ZVB First an explanation of what you are seeing. this is a REAL assessment of what my retirement could have looked like had my contributions and my employer's gone into a private account. You will notice that I used 6% instead of the 7.65% required just because I could not adjust the employer's beyo
  24. I was wondering, are you seeing more peer to peer loans now? It seems like some with money to invest might be looking into these peer to peer sites. And I'm not talking about family loans here.
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