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The Sound Guy

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Everything posted by The Sound Guy

  1. Cumberland Mall is still there? I think I bought my wife's engagement ring there. In 1984. Might have been the last time I was there.
  2. Yea, when the best the city has to offer is "Food Truck Friday", don't expect to have a booming downtown....
  3. Those senior citizen facilities are popping up everywhere. Good: Housing that produces no kids to burden the school system. Bad: Get ready for a fire tax increase as the paramedics and ambulance service has to grow quite a bit with all the elderly having issues.
  4. Dang, they only had a mil left before hitting the legal limit, I'm surprised they picked now to dip into the emergency mil when they didn't use it during the recession. <edit> Ah OK, I found the minutes for the Public Discussion, they are leaving the millage rate alone. I'm ok with that, they have a history of keeping it the same and dealing with the drop/raise of their budget each year. since they will have a bunch more students coming from all the housing that the wonderful BOC approved that they have to pay for, I lay this one at the feet of the BOC.
  5. Walked up to the Delta check in at HJ one time (back when it was just Hartsfield) and started to check when when the agent told me my flight had left yesterday. Oops. I've gotten up on Holiday's a few times and gotten ready for work. Yep, a good feeling to realize you can go back to bed. I've also been headed to the store for something and thinking about something else and found myself 6 miles on the way to work instead of to the store I was headed to. On autopilot I guess.
  6. Oh yea, *that's* what my diet would need. <NOT>
  7. Well, that's both of them if we want to be truthful. You pretty much have to switch to get anything lowered. I will say that the local comcast office has always been helpful and knowledgeable in the past. On the other hand, my wife and PIL have tried to get the ATT Store people to help them with billing issues for months and it's still screwed up. YMMV.
  8. Working from home is why I went to the 18 Mbs, it was the highest we could get here. Now if they would bring fiber here and give me a symmetrical 1 gig, that I might put some money into.
  9. Won't be anytime soon for sure. There's not a 737 load worth of people on this side of town that would all be going to the same place at the same time to make it worth their while. This made sense on when they wanted that airport on the other side of Atlanta, much shorter drive and much easier one for something like 50% of the Atlanta area population. Here? It's like 5% of Atlanta population. I know I wouldn't choose to fly from here when I can drive less than 30 minutes more and have a wide choice of airlines and flights. As far as the 10K acres is concerned, I remember hearing that there i
  10. LOL! You have a good point there.... What's the old joke... How can you tell if a politician is lying? Easy, his lips are moving..
  11. Thanks Pubby. I would hope the military ballots were all included since my understanding was that the runoff was pushed out to 9 weeks later just to be sure that the military ballots had a chance to get back before the election. Provisional ballots could be a source, but agree that the odds of them producing a 30+ margin her way are low.
  12. We don't have kids in the system anymore, so this policy hasn't directly affected us. However we have voluntarily donated backpacks and supplies through our church which has a support program in place for the schools around it, which I think is a great idea. There are those who through no fault of their own, have problems supplying everything needed for school. That said, I think the problem with your statement above is that you *can't* not have anything to do the opportunists when they know the school (government) is going to forcibly take all the supplies (taxes) you worked for and s
  13. Depends on your definition of Radical I guess. Her website is loaded with "plan" after "plan" that have few specifics but promise much, which usually means spending, spending, spending. From her website: (Bold is mine) Free college sounds a lot like Bernie who's pretty radical himself. The cost of college is not going down unless we drastically reduce the number of people going and force them to drop their rates to stay in business. Debt free college would mean massive subsidies from the State.
  14. Got my bill from ATT this month, the internet rate was raised over 5%. My wife has had her bellsouth.net email for nearly 20 years, which has kept us at ATT, but dang, $60.00 a month for 18 mbs down and 1.5 mbs us sucks. (Plus $7 a month "Internet Equipment Fee" Ugg. Guess it's time to switch her to a GMAIL account and head over to Comcast much as I hate it. Wish we had a third alternative that wasn't silly expensive.
  15. Thanks Pubby. I wonder if Trudy will ask for a recount? Or is it automatic when a race is that close?
  16. Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on that one. Hillary almost beat him with all her baggage. It's going to be an interesting election in 2020 for sure. This governor's race may be a foreshadowing of 2020 and radical vs radical. I'm not sure what Sower did that ticked off so many people, I guess I missed that somewhere. I agree with you about Paulette, she was a GOP machine vote, not our vote, in Atlanta. I'm concerned that housing is taking off again, if you think property taxes are high now, wait until we get an even higher percentage of housing in the tax base. Ug
  17. Wages will rise for those businesses that have a worker shortage, and that will raise prices as well since that wage money has to come from somewhere. Interest rates will rise as well since inflation is always a worry. However, having the wages paid here is a heck of a lot better than paying someone outside the US to work where the money paid for that item is gone, usually forever, instead of being re-used to purchase more products/services here. As someone who had to pay 14.25% on their first mortgage, rates so high because the Fed had to cool off an overactive economy, I don't mind th
  18. It's going to be interesting to see if the radical positions of Abrams and Kemp keep the moderates of both parties at home, unable to support the radical ideas of their parties choice and not willing to support the oppositions radical ideas either. I still think that had the Democrats run a Moderate, Trump would not be in the White House right now. Hillary and Bernie were the wrong candidates to go against him.
  19. The biggest problem I see with a democratic/republic government is that we train our politicians to lie. Those that tell the truth, do what's right but we might get hurt, don't get elected (or re-elected). Those that tell the biggest lies, promise the most but don't do it, get elected. Once the idea of being in office was a public service and the office became a job, we were screwed.
  20. Soros has put a million bucks on the Ga Democratic Party and a donor from California has dropped 1.25 million on Abrams PAC according to the AJC this morning. I'm figuring the GOP will start dropping big bucks after the run off, so get ready for your mailbox to be full and your phone to ring off the hook. Ugg.
  21. Dang, 7 weeks?. That's a major remodel!
  22. Several GOP candidates for office still up for grabs and a few Democratic ones. Voting is only at the Watson Govt Center (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM) for Runoff Voting and NO SATURDAY VOTING! Paulding Web Site If you are going to be out of town on the 24th, make sure to vote this week! The My Voter Page will let you download a sample ballot.
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