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Everything posted by TJB

  1. Marcus Bachmann has a clinic that prays away the gay. Really, Bachmann make Little Richard look straight.
  2. I sang well in my group, but they kept the youngest and best looking people. It's a little disappointing; I can handle losing out to someone who could sing better. I guess I need to remember, it's still a TV reality show.
  3. I believe Freud said depression is anger turned within. Depression is a bitch, you feel like you're in a hole and are unable to crawl out. Believe me, nobody wants to feel this way and sometimes you don't realize it's happening.
  4. On Saturday, I auditioned for The Voice. I sang well but didn't get a callback. It was an interesting experience.
  5. Perhaps mom was weaning the kid off of Jack Daniels.
  6. This lady should win mother of the year. http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-national/20120706/Mom-Puts-Beer-in-Sippy-Cup/
  7. I keep whistling the theme from the Andy Griffith Show.
  8. I heard a bear shi*s in the woods.
  9. It's a drive and a bit pricey, but a nice place for an anniversary dinner. http://www.raysrestaurants.com/raysontheriver/
  10. She didn't feel like kissing John Travolta every time she kissed Tom.
  11. You're right. This punishment should be the rule not the exception.
  12. I'm surprised the kids received this punishment. I'm glad the school did something. http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/29/12486259-bullied-bus-monitor-case-4-students-get-one-year-suspensions?lite/
  13. I don't think these people realize the implications this has. By the time they understand, it will be too late and we will be a fascist nation.
  14. TJB


    That would be far to nice for Sandusky. He needs it without Vaseline.
  15. I prefer Aqua Velva both for drinking and after shave.
  16. TJB


    The inmates sang the line to Sandusky from Pink Floyd's the wall. http://xfinity.comcast.net/blogs/sports/2012/06/24/sanduskys-inmates-reportedly-sing-%E2%80%9Chey-teacher-leave-those-kids-alone%E2%80%9D-when-lights-go-out/
  17. TJB


    I guess in prison he won't be able to use his favorite pickup line. "May I buy you a happy meal?"
  18. TJB


    If he lives in the general population, he'd be playing wide receiver; definitely not tight end.
  19. Pat Boone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEIcC9w7nf0
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