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Everything posted by TJB

  1. If the gov't had a viable public option plan that was competitive with present insurance companies, couldn't that increase competition, thereby reducing costs. How about a public option for those who are uninsurable due do preexisting conditions.Just wondering.
  2. I think you did a wonderful thing. She will be in medically supervised rehab and will have a chance to get clean. Good luck.
  3. Sapporo in Hiram is fantastic.
  4. TJB

    Middle Age Sucks

    Thanks, that's what I'm doing. I used to work out a good bit and it pisses me off that I can't do what I used to, but I guess that comes with age.
  5. TJB

    Middle Age Sucks

    I'm going to stick with it. I've lost 45 lbs in the last year, but the last 20 won't come off, so I know I need to work out. The problem is, I pushed myself too hard, I took the day off yesterday, but feel better today. It's hard to admit to myself that I can't do the same things I did 20 years ago but I'm not ready to gently go into the good night. I can live with the pain but the realization I'm older has set in.
  6. I've recently decided in my quest to get healthy, to start working out again. I joined a gym and after several days, and every damn muscle in my body hurts. It didn't used to hurt this much. I've come to the conclusion that middle age sucks.
  7. I had to replace my mailbox as a result of my neighbor being drunk and hitting it. At least they told me and reimbursed me for the cost of it.
  8. I suggest you buy a PVC post and fill it with rebar and concrete. I bet if some dumbass tries to break your mailbox they won't do it again.
  9. Buy a PVC post for your mailbox and fill it with concrete and rebar, then let some dumbass try to break your mailbox. I guarantee they won't try again.
  10. I'm not condoning drunk driving but I don't think Stallworth planned to kill someone, although that can happen as a result of drunk driving. However, Vick brutally murdered dogs that wouldn't or couldn't fight and these animals were tortured. People like Jeffrey Dahmer started out torturing animals and killing something that will die for you if you feed it and treat it reasonably well is disturbing and malicious. I don't think Stallworth had premeditated or malicious intent and was charged with manslaughter instead of murder. I do think Stallworth should serve prison time but think Vick is a d
  11. When my mother passed away at age 53 my dad began dating again. Unfortunately he "dated" during his marriage as well and wound up marrying a woman six months older than me and to say it didn't it hurt would be a lie, but there was nothing I could do and just accepted it. Although I thought she was a bouchedag, I kept my opinions to myself and she eventually showed her true colors and my father divorced her. To this day, my father misses my mother and regrets all that he put her through. Sometimes we need to lets ones we love make mistakes and find things out for themselves. This is directed at
  12. It's sounds like your parents were very lucky and truly loved each other. I think that makes it easier in some ways to move on. It also shows true love on your part to want your dad to be happy. We'll be back in two and two.
  13. Needless to say, I bought a new carb instead of a rebuilt.
  14. I've used this carb for a season and it has worked well. However, I had a rebuilt carb put in my 71 olds when I was a kid and it caught on fire. I'm glad I found out. I'll know next time. Thanks.
  15. I needed a carburetor last summer. I think it was about 40.00 to buy a new one, so I just broke down and paid it. It took all of 5 minutes to replace it and could finish cutting my grass.
  16. It's nice to know there are parents who are supportive of teachers and such a kind gesture is appreciated.
  17. Very sad to see kids die. My heart goes our to his family.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you had the chance to say goodbye.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to the rest of your family. Forty-four is far to young to die. Although, when you love someone, it is always too soon. Once again, I'm sorry for your loss.
  20. My heart goes out to her family. 29 is far to young to die.
  21. Free speech is not completely free. The first Amendment is confined to political speech. Making specific allegations against businesses must be documented by facts. Blogging about one's political opinions, is different. Although I've seen restaurants ripped apart on pcom, some of the allegations were not based in fact, and their business was hurt. The point being, free speech is an inalienable right but one that needs to be used fairly.
  22. I'm happy for you, I wish someone like you, could tell some of my kids they have choices and things will get better. I try to tell them, but they can't see that far ahead. Anyway, I wish you well.
  23. As a teacher in metro Atlanta, I want to thank and commend you on trying to raise decent children. The toughest part of being a teacher is trying to educate kids who have not been properly raised. I see so many children who are neglected it makes me sad. On the other end of the spectrum, I have children who have been spoiled, babied and coddled and this is as bad a neglecting a child. Teachers and students get substantial vacation time, but after becoming a teacher, I realize why. You are dealing with 20-30 different personalities in each room, students of varying abilities, and levels
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