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Everything posted by TJB

  1. I have an idea. The offending children can be babysat by Jerry Sandusky.
  2. People can always use the road kill for food.
  3. Perhaps the money should be spent to sterilize these little cretins so they don't breed more disrespectful little cretins.
  4. Here is the unedited version. Please mods leave this up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDQbvgzfLtQ
  5. This should give some insight to what bus drivers, parapros, cafeteria workers, and teachers put up with on a daily basis. The children involved should lose bus privileges for an entire year if not the remainder of their school career
  6. This thread is developing that "not so fresh feeling".
  7. I agree Subby. Our government is bought and paid for and politicians must serve their moneyed interests before their constituency. Look at groups like the Koch Brothers and George Soros. Anytime such concentrated wealth can give unlimited money to political campaigns, this effectively takes away the power of the average person to affect political change. It may take people working outside the system to create the types of changes needed to restore our nation.
  8. I don't care if these morons shoot themselves full of roids and their nuts shrink tho the size of raisins. It is s waste of time for the federal government to get involved in this nonsense.
  9. I'm sorry, but I want more out of life than survival. She is in for a lifetime of suffering, even if she survives.
  10. If I were in Aimee Copeland's position, I would hope my loved ones would have the good sense to let me die. I do not want to live a life with all of my limbs missing and be faced with a life of pain and sickness.
  11. I had the opportunity to see him at Phillips Arena in 2005. Great concert, lasted almost 3 hours without breaks. My wife, who is not a fan, enjoyed the show; saying she didn't realize how many Beatles songs she knew. The Beatles are the reason I started listening to music.
  12. Those damn genitals always get in the way.
  13. Breasts and penises always seem to get in the way of friendship.
  14. Republicans keep sexuality in the closet, so to speak.
  15. I was angry with the comments by Michael Ray James. Calling Obama a socialist is inaccurate and Calling Obamacare socialism is patently untrue. Obama never advocated single payer healthcare and the reforms passed will help bring down healthcare costs. It was an attempt to deal with rising healthcare costs, in fact, it gave insurance companies more business. Yes, they can no longer deny coverage because of preexisting conditions but that's a good thing. The uninsured are a huge drain on healthcare and hospitals and doctors rarely get paid from these people. Obamacare was an attempt to deal with
  16. It's called I don't give a damn what people think anymore.
  17. You sir, are an imbecile. You really need to come up with a better answer than the bulls**t Republican talking points. I assume you will support Romney, who Obama patterned "Obamacare" after. Obamacare is not a socialistic program and you know it. If you don't you're either a moron, a liar, or both. Do you believe people with preexisting conditions should not be covered? Let them die perhaps? You are the worst kind of politician and have no business holding public office.
  18. Absolutely. However, had it been Bush the Republicans would be heaping lavish praise on him. However, had Obama's decision failed, it could have been a repeat of Jimmy Carter and the failed Iran hostage rescue attempt, so it was a ballsy move.
  19. It takes a certain amount of self-confidence and maybe arrogance, to follow the beat of your own drummer. I suspect life would be easier if you just went along but I doubt you would be happy doing that. I admire that you have the balls to take positions others wouldn't dream of taking, even if I don't always agree with you. However, that's the beauty of the world; having different personalities and viewpoints and it makes life interesting.
  20. You truly are talking out the part of your body which passes flatulence. What's up with the limp-wristed comment? Are you implying that someone who is anti-war is somehow less masculine than yourself? Usually that type of talk is reserved for your closeted, conservative brethren, you know manly men like Lindsey Graham, Marcus Bachmann and the like. The limp-wristed hope and changers in the White House were responsible for taking out the leader of Al-Qaeda, unlike the the lead-paint eater who previously occupied the White House.
  21. I broke my ass for the same school system for the last 6 years, had a good performance record, doing everything asked of me. The county I work for used an unfair and illegal method of not renewing my contract and I chose to defend my rights. I don't consider that an entitlement mentality, I just expect to be treated fairly. When you walk in my shoes you may pass judgement. I don't belong to the NEA either.
  22. If karma exists this pastor will be jailed with a well-endowed black man wearing an Obama mask.
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