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Everything posted by TJB

  1. Captain Stuebing was doing u-turns under the sheets, he was completely bald.
  2. The U.S. far outspends other industrialized nations. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_military_expenditures
  3. I guess in Wisconsin, a union for referees is good, but for teachers it's bad.
  4. TJB


    Too many U-turns under the sheets.
  5. Perry was in one of the photos from the Snopes link you posted. I changed the picture in my original post.
  6. Thanks for the link but I think the verdict may be out whether or not Rick Perry can read.
  7. I'm sorry, but this tops it all.
  8. I'm a warm, sentimental guy. What can I tell you.
  9. I Want to F**k You Like An Animal by Nine Inch Nails.
  10. I like the band that Train used to be.
  11. This isn't really country but it's a pretty good wedding song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ess2qlVHl6E
  12. During the Bush administration, significant money was spent to uncover voter fraud. I think they found about 80 cases of fraud. I doubt 80 cases would impact the election. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/12/washington/12fraud.html?pagewanted=all
  13. Just the other night he was playing a celebrity tennis match with Kevin James, John McEnroe, and Jim Courie at the U.S. Open. He looked very much alive.
  14. You believe it, therefore it must be true.
  15. Thanks for translating.
  16. I wish you the best of luck. You're doing a wonderful thing for a child.
  17. I see both sides of this issue. However, if a parent reads their child's diary, they may find out how their child truly feels about them and it may not be good. I could see this permanently damaging a relationship, so the parent should be fairly certain their child is in trouble. It seems to me the costs may outweigh the benefits and this would have to be an agonizing position for a parent to be in.
  18. You're right, but somehow, I don't think your words were very comforting.
  19. I watched some of the RNC. It ran too late and I was too tired to stay awake.
  20. Here are my results 98%-Jill Stein-on foreign policy, social, environmental, economic, domestic policy, immigration, science, and healthcare issues 86%-Barack Obama-on immigration, social, economic, healthcare, science, and environmental issues 85%Rocky Anderson-on foreign policy, social, domestic policy, immigration, environmental, and healthcare issues 37%-Ron Paul-on foreign policy and domestic policy issues
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