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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Sixteen Candles Long Duck Dong: "What's a happenin' hot stuff?"
  2. No I was actually speaking of whipped cream, the real stuff you make. (Though the "reddi whip" is real) Lowrider pointed out , as you did, that it does break down faster, and Mrs. C. the convenience of Cool Whip. I guess I am just put off by the ingredients in the Cool Whip. (you know the no actually cream LOL) I do not remember seeing tubs of cool whip on the Food Network (one of my favorite past times) so I guess I need to go look at some of these recipes there. Just see how they are doing it, because some of these sound fantastic!
  3. So are kids allowed there? What hours are they open tonight? TIA for the info!
  4. No recipe here, but I do have a question. So many of the recipes posted (and ones given to me by friends) contain Cool Whip. Why is that? I personally do not see a reason for adding that much pure oil and fat into a recipe that usually has that in it anyway. (if it is any good ) Why not a real cream topping? (not that is isn't fattening, but it is real cream and not oil) I have always wondered about that, so I decided to put it out to the folks of p.com. Where opinions/thoughts are always many! LOL.
  5. If you did that to me you would no longer be my friend. I post pictures on FB for my friends to see. I would hope they would have the decency to look at them, not copy them to a public message board. (Yes they put them on FB, but they also have privacy settings on there for who can and can not view them.) JMO To copy the pictures of your DGD just right click and "save as" make sure the picture is saving as a .jpg and you will have it.
  6. LOL..I thought so too...could not believe the perfect timing of those two being together! Reminded me of those late night talk show articles Leno did.
  7. Thanks to all!! I didn't want to call every tanning salon in the area looking for one that does it!! I have tried different self applied fake tans (not that one) but they never seem to work for me. Now I am sure it is user error, but I always have spots and streaking. LOL
  8. Everyone is going to die - House Democrats Unveil Health Care Reform Plan
  9. I can not tan in the sun. Meds and previous problems, but I would love to have that "healthy glow". Are there any local places that do this? (I am good with booths or a technician doing it) I really do not want to drive into Atlanta every few days or so to keep it up. Thanks for any information you have! Bella
  10. Sorry but you are way off base on that generalized statement. I do buy designer bags because they last. None of my bags have the big logos on them, and I do not care if anyone "recognizes" that it is a designer purse or not. I work very hard for my money and buy things that are classic and I know will last and/or be fixed or replaced. It has nothing to do with look at me. Who cares? (well obviously some people in Paulding that are judging me because I have a designer bag, go figure..I don't look at them any different for what they choose to have/carry/wear/drive or not have)
  11. I buy designer purses. Different names just depends on if it is the style I am looking for at the time. My reasoning, they last forever! I have one black designer purse, classic in style, purchased about 20 years ago. It has no signs of wear and tear, and has held up through travel, kids, and daily being thrown into the back of the car! Yes, I might have put out a bit of money at the beginning for it, but in the end my purse was a great investment and will have cost pennies over the life of it. (Also the companies stand behind their merchandise and if something were to rip or tear they will fi
  12. 16 5'11" 140 Skinny as a pole and eats like there is no tomorrow, and he will not eat microwave meals! (you know the stuff I could pick up cheaply to fill him) Daughter and I are always mad because we go to get something and he has already ate it!!! I really do not know where he puts it. I wish I had that metabolism. (ya..I don't)
  13. LOL...gallon of milk every two days, and has been known to eat a loaf of bread in a day!! Summer grocery bills are astronomical!
  14. I have not seen the movie yet. I will wait until it comes out on DVD. I read the book, and cried during most of it. SPOILER: A child does die in it.
  15. I saw it. Beautiful house. It was very well done. I do have a question though. They revealed a lot about themselves personally. Are they like that IRL, so open about things, or was it being on the show that made them reveal so much?
  16. ^^^ Gotcha!! What about the having the ADAP certificate already?
  17. JSYK If you do not get a great response on that first class, it is because we are still in school until June 5th. Also, if a child already has the ADAP certificate can they just "skip" that part of the class?
  18. Wow that is really cool! Do you have a site with pricing and pictures?
  19. Say what?? How did you figure that out from the post? AV I do agree with what Rockster said. I just couldn't figure out what you said.
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